"Keine Heimat" ist das Euro-Folk-Programm auf Radio Dreyeckland (Südbaden). Es wird jeden Dienstag und Freitag von 15 bis 16 Uhr ausgestrahlt. Dienstags gibt es in der Regel Schwerpunkt-Sendungen, freitags einfach nur gute Folkmusik aller Art. Auf dieser Seite werden die aktuellen Playlists der Sendungen archiviert. Die kommenden Sendungen sind auf der "Keine Heimat"-Homepage angekündigt.
"Keine Heimat" (no home), the
Euro-Folk-show on Radio Dreyeckland, airs every tuesday and Friday 3 to 4 p.m.
in the region of south-baden/germany. Radio Dreyeckland is the oldest
alternative radio-station in Germany.
657. Sendung - 28. 12. 2007
-----Zweite Heimat------
KATÈ MÈ: Trad Collection (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest)
[brittany, funk fest noz]
LA BOUM: fou conne noi (Shout out,
2006, self)
[germany, acoustic party folk]
VISHTEN: Ben C Ben (11:11, 2007, coop breizh)
[canada, folk]
STOUT, Chris: the sheriff (devil's
advocate, 2007, greentrax)
[scotland, celtic]
MAJORSTUEN: Jorun Jogga (Jorun jogga,
2004, self)
[norway, folk]
ÄL JAWALA: Nortwint (lost in Manele,
2007, self)
[germany, balkan beat]
DOTA, DIE KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN, & die Stadtpiraten: Zwischen Angel und Tür (Dota, die Kleingeldprinzessin, 2003, self)
[germany, singer-songwr.]
MAMMALS: silk song (Departure, 2006,
humble abide)
[usa, folk]
QNTAL: Amis Raynaut (Silver swan,
2006, drakkar/sony)
[germany, medieval pop]
HELIUM VOLA: Printemps (Liod, 2004,
[germany, medieval electro]
PANJABI MC: Jogi (v/a, asian club
night, 2006, lola's world)
MUZSIKAS: Regen volt, soka lesz (The
Prisoner's song, 1986/1988, Hannibal)
[hungary, folk]
Bedürftige ist sie oft die einzige Möglichkeit, zu ihrem Recht zu gelangen: die
sogenannte Prozesskostenhilfe. Weil die Ausgaben für den Zuschuss vor Gericht
steigen, wollen CDU-geführte Bundesländer die Hilfe nun allerdings drastisch
einschränken. Ein entsprechender Gesetzentwurf wird derzeit im Rechtsausschuss
des Bundestages behandelt - und ist dabei auf heftige Kritik gestoßen. "In
erschütternder Weise verfassungswidrig", sei die Initiative, krisitiert
die Neue Richtervereinigung, ein Zusammenschluss von RichterInnen und
StaatsanwältInnen. Dem einkommensschwachen Teil der Bevölkerung solle die
"grundsätzlich gewährleistete Rechtsschutzmöglichkeit genommen
werden". Die Initiative war von Niedersachsen und Baden-Württemberg 2006
in den Bundesrat eingebracht worden und wurde dort mit CDU-Mehrheit
verabschiedet. Dass Menschen trotz
eines geringen Einkommens ihr Recht vor Gericht erstreiten können, ist ein
Grundsatz des deutschen Rechtsstaates. Kritiker befürchten, dass sich dies nun
ändern könnte. "Zweierlei Recht für Bemittelte und Unbemittelte"
könne entstehen, warnt der Deutsche Richterbund. Und auch FDP, Grüne und
Linkspartei kritisieren das Vorhaben. Selbst die
Bundesregierung äußert verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken und sieht den
gleichberechtigten Zugang zu den Gerichten gefährdet. Dennoch sollen die
"sinnvollen Vorschläge" aus dem Bundesratsentwurf umgesetzt werden.
Etwa, dass Verbesserungen der Einkommenssituation unaufgefordert mitgeteilt und
mutwillig angestrengte Prozesse von vornherein nicht unterstützt werden sollen.
Dabei prüfen dies die Gerichte bereits jetzt und gewähren die Hilfe nur, wenn
gute Aussichten bestehen, einen Prozess auch zu gewinnen. Dafür müssen auch die
Einkommens- und Vermögensverhältnisse offengelegt werden. Zwar sollen
Hartz-IV-Empfänger auch weiterhin Unterstützung ohne eine Eigenbeteiligung
erhalten. Geringverdiener sollen die gewährte Hilfe für Anwalts- und
Prozesskosten aber künftig komplett zurückzahlen, wenn sie mehr als 450 Euro
von ihrem Monatseinkommen übrig haben - nach Abzug von Miete und Heizkosten.
Bisher liegt diese Grenze bei 555 Euro. Mit dem Entwurf
sollen auch die Freibeträge für Partner ohne eigenes Einkommen von 382 auf 291
Euro, für Kinder von 267 auf 218 Euro sinken. Außerdem soll der Prozessgewinn
"bedingungslos" für die Rückzahlung der Hilfe eingesetzt werden.
Jemand, der etwa vor dem Sozialgericht auf höheres Arbeitslosengeld I geklagt
und Recht bekommen hat, soll künftig mit der erstrittenen Summe die
Prozesskostenhilfe zurückzahlen müssen. Begründet wird das
Vorhaben mit gestiegenen Kosten. Nach Angaben des niedersächsischen Justizministeriums
sind die Ausgaben für die Prozesskostenhilfe seit 1998 um 40 Prozent von 261,7
auf 361,8 Millionen im Jahr 2005 gestiegen. Schuld daran sei zunehmender
Missbrauch. Mit dem Gesetz wollen die Länder 100 Millionen Euro jährlich
einsparen. Nach dem Vorbild der Praxisgebühr in der Krankenversicherung soll
dazu auch eine Gebühr von 50 Euro dienen. Kritiker
argumentieren, es gebe keine verlässlichen Zahlen zum Missbrauch. Außerdem
fehle eine Analyse zu den Gründen für die gestiegenen Kosten. Die ließen sich
nämlich auch so erklären: 2004 wurden die Anwaltsvergütungen per Gesetz
angehoben. Generell hat die Zahl der Bedürftigen zugenommen. Dazu kommt die
gestiegene Zahl von Verfahren vor Sozialgerichten: Rund 80.000 Klagen allein zu
Hartz IV wurden laut Bundesarbeitsministerium im letzten Jahr eingereicht. LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Amarena (à tout
moment, 2006, self) [germany/england, bal folk] DIE HAYNER:
Das Nadelöhr (V/A, United Folks, Die Hayner proudly present, 1998, Verlag der
Spielleute) [europamusik] 656. Sendung - 25. 12. 2007 -----new folk CDs from alpine
countries----- HOTEL PALINDRONE: Nag's bourrée / quoi alors (Dial
1702, 2007, extraplatte) HOTEL PALINDRONE: Towel flow (Dial
1702, 2007, extraplatte) HOTEL PALINDRONE: Kruspolskan efter
Gotthard Stoman (Dial 1702, 2007, extraplatte) HOTEL PALINDRONE: Passhöhe (Dial
1702, 2007, extraplatte) [austria, folk] SÖLLNER, Hans & Bayaman Sissdem:
Damaskus (viet nam, 2007, trikont) SÖLLNER, Hans
& Bayaman Sissdem: Lass fliag'n deine Dreads (viet nam, 2007, trikont) SÖLLNER, Hans
& Bayaman Sissdem: Vorbei damit (viet nam, 2007, trikont) [germany, singer-songwr.] GLOBAL KRYNER:
I will survive (Weg, 2007, blanko) GLOBAL KRYNER:
Kotau (Weg, 2007, blanko) GLOBAL KRYNER:
Dschingis Khan (Weg, 2007, blanko) [austria, brass pop] STUCKY, Erika: all I really want to
do (Suicidal Yodels, 2007, Traumton) [switzerland,
avantgarde yodel] ZEHNDER, Christian: Triahotala (V/A,
echoes of home/heimatklänge, 2007, traumton) [alpine world] 655. Sendung - 21. 12. 2007 -----new folk CDs from Denmark----- PHOENIX: Ulv, Raev og Hare (Folk,
2007, go) PHOENIX: Majvisen (Folk, 2007, go) PHOENIX: Nar Björne Danser (Folk,
2007, go) PHOENIX: Anton og Randi's (Folk,
2007, go) [denmark,
folk] MONSDRUM: den
dode mand (folktronic, 2007, go) MONSDRUM: splat kat (folktronic,
2007, go) MONSDRUM: ta prohn (folktronic,
2007, go) [denmark, folktronic] TRIO MIO: Julius vals / lippen pa
Koster (Stories around a holy goat, 2007, go) TRIO MIO: Oersundsmarch (Stories
around a holy goat, 2007, go) [denmark,
Mette: Jag gift mig ud Spadserende.. (Ojeblikke, 2007, go) KATHRINE, Mette: Midnat (Ojeblikke,
2007, go) [denmark, accordeon] SAND, Kristine: Victoria (Det dansende
par, 2007, go) SAND, Kristine: Det dansende Par
(Det dansende par, 2007, go) [denmark, violin] Keine Heimat
am 14. 12. 2007 Wiederholung
vom 11. 12. 2007 655. Sendung -
14. 12. 2007 -----best folk cds 2007, part
2------ ROLAND CONQ TRIO: Pa oan me bihan
(an atalier, 2007, coop breizh) [brittany, guitar] HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: banian's jig (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] ESQUISSE: A bas le balais (Dual, 2007, Kerisac) [britanny,
fest noz] CHAO, Manu: 13
dias (La Radiolina, 2007, Radio Bemba) CHAO, Manu: Me
Llaman Calle (La Radiolina, 2007, Radio Bemba) [france/spain,
world-beat] SHANTEL: Fige Ki ase Me (disko partizani, ep,
2007, essay) [germany, balkanpop] ÄL JAWALA: Nortwint (lost in Manele,
2007, self) ÄL JAWALA: Lost in Manele (lost in
Manele, 2007, self) [germany, balkan beat] KROKE: tommorrow for a while
(seventh trip, 2007, oriente) [poland,
avantgarde klezmer] AMBROZIJN: Pieronelle (10, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] BREMNES, Kari: Songen Om ka ho anna Dronte om
(Reise, 2007, strange ways) [norway, singer-songwr.] 654. Sendung - 11. 12. 2007 -----best folk cds 2007----- SHOOGLENIFTY: McConnell's Rant
(troots, 2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: Charlie and the professor
(troots, 2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: the eccentric (troots,
2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: Walter C. Douglas
(troots, 2007, shoogle) [scotland, celtic] DAZKARIEH: Nyckel power (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Agua-Mae (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Solhos de Maré
(Dazkarieh, 2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Vitorina (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) [portugal, folk] KVONN: streingir (hvonn, 2007, tutl)
KVONN: tjornarokur (hvonn, 2007,
tutl) [faroe, folk] MASSILIA SOUND SYSTEM: Lo Micro es
Romput (Oai e libertad, 2007, wagram) [france, dub-folk] STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
the joy of live (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) [greece, folk-pop] AHEAD TO THE SEA: Habibi (Treffer versenkt,
2007, wolverine/soulfood) [germany, folkrock] OI VA VOI: Look down (Oi va voi,
2007, V2) [england, folkpop] Zweite Heimat 7. 12. 2007 Wiederholung vom 30. 11. 2007 653. Sendung - 4. 12. 2007 -----breton celtic rock cds----- SOLDAT LOUIS: c'est un pays (Best
of, 2002, Créon music) SOLDAT LOUIS: survivre en ennemis
(Best of, 2002, Créon music) SOLDAT LOUIS: Savannah (Best of,
2002, Créon music) [brittany, folkrock] ARMENS: a tord et a travers (live
2.0, 2006, coop breizh) ARMENS: assez (live 2.0, 2006, coop
breizh) ARMENS: desaccord (live 2.0, 2006,
coop breizh) ARMENS: a tord et a travers - lp version
(live 2.0, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany, folkrock] PLANTEC: Mintin (A-raok, 2007, aztec) PLANTEC: Koll (A-raok, 2007, aztec) PLANTEC: En Egor (A-raok, 2007, aztec) [brittany, folkrock] KERVEGAN S: Vieux bonhomme (v/a, la compil
du off en live vol 1, 2006, atome) FLOBARD: jig (v/a, la compil du off en
live vol 1, 2006, atome) LES BREUVACHONS: Chant! repondit l'echo
(v/a, la compil du off en live vol 1, 2006, atome) DOOLIN: the charming price of luacha
side (v/a, la compil du off en live vol 1, 2006, atome) [brittany,
folkrock] 652. Sendung -
30. 11. 2007 ------Zweite Heimat------ KROKE: unusual happiness (Ten pieces
to save the world, 2003, oriente) [poland, klezmer] MERLIN SHEPHERD KAPELYE: a game
played by commoners (intimate hopes & terrors, 2007, oriente) [england, klezmer] KONSONANS RETRO: Moldavskaya Polka
(a podolian affair, 2007, oriente) [ukrainia, brass] FANFARE CIOCARLIA: Kan Marau La
(Queens and Kings, 2007, Asphalt Tango) [rumania, gypsy brass] BALKAN BEAT BOX: Joro Boro (Nu Med,
2007, crammed) [israel, balkan club] KARMA: le vol de la Gaviotta grande (mouvements,
2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: l'autre jour (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] SQUIBAN, Didier: Tri men (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) [compilation] ILGI: Osi, klavi, ozolini (ne uz vienu dienu,
2006, UPE) [latvia, folk] HELIUM VOLA: omnia sol temperat (in lichter farbe
steht der wald, ep, 2004, chrom) [germany, medieval electro] TUNSTALL, KT: Another place to fall
(Eye to the Telescope, 2004, relentless/EMI) [scotland, singer-songwr.] CLEJANI EXPRESS: vraja (A Devla,
2007, Network) [romania, balkan] PLOTZ!: Kopanitsa (extraordinary
renditions, 2006, plotzmusic) [usa, balkan] TREF: hidden track 11 (Accordeon Diatonique,
2001, wild boar) [belgium, accordeon] DOEKES, Els / Steenweg, Thomas:
Hambo after Hurtigs Pelle (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) [bal folk compilation] 651. Sendung - 27. 11. 2007 ------new folk CDs from Germany------ 17 HIPPIES: Tick tack (Heimlich,
2007, hipster) 17 HIPPIES: Apache (Heimlich, 2007,
hipster) [germany, europamusik] [concert in Freiburg Jazzhaus
tonight] KAIKAI: Planxty Irwin (25 Jahre,
2007, self) KAIKAI: Liebeserklärung (25 Jahre,
2007, self) KAIKAI: Hans,
der kann's (25 Jahre, 2007, self) KAIKAI:
Bohneneintopf (25 Jahre, 2007, self) KAIKAI:
Saitenhieb (25 Jahre, 2007, self) KAIKAI: Alte
bekannte (25 Jahre, 2007, self) [germany, folk] POLKAHOLIX: Das Modell (The great polka
swindle, 2007, westpark) POLKAHOLIX: Kookaburra Polka (The
great polka swindle, 2007, westpark) POLKAHOLIX: Raumpatrouille
Orionpolka (The great polka swindle, 2007, westpark) [germany, polka] TOM BOMBADIL FOLK BAND: Scottish du
Marronier... (dans mon
village, 2007, leiselaut) TOM BOMBADIL FOLK BAND: Ridées (dans mon village,
2007, leiselaut) TOM BOMBADIL FOLK BAND: Suite Plinn (dans mon
village, 2007, leiselaut) [germany,
dancefolk] 650. Sendung -
23. 11. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Sandra Bullock (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Mensch aus Geld (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Wie ein Hund (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Genug gute Menschen (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Angenommen ich wär die Gesellschaft (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Tanja Schmidt (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Gasprom (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Prager Gurken (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Integrieren (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Linda (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Schornsteinfeger (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN, Funny:
Geier (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Der Affe (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Hans-Georg (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Kanu (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) 1 VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Dickes ticket (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Kaputt (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Zubehör für Whirlpools (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) VAN DANNEN,
Funny: Mütter (Trotzdem danke, 2007, warner) [germany, singer-songwr.] [concert at Freiburg jazzhaus on
monday] Keine Heimat
am 20. 11. 2007 Wiederholung
vom 13. 11. 2007 649. Sendung -
16. 11. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat----- CHICANA, La:
Vieje astral (lejos, 2006, galileo) CHICANA, La:
Lejos (lejos, 2006, galileo) CHICANA, La:
Nos tenemos que ir (lejos, 2006, galileo) CHICANA, La: Cancion llorada (lejos, 2006,
galileo) [argentina, tangopop] KHALIFE, Marcel: track 2 (Tagsim,
demo, 2007, connecting cultures) KHALIFE, Marcel: track 7 (Tagsim, demo,
2007, connecting cultures) KHALIFE, Marcel: track 10 (Tagsim,
demo, 2007, connecting cultures) KHALIFE, Marcel: track 21 (Tagsim,
demo, 2007, connecting cultures) KHALIFE, Marcel: track 23 (Tagsim,
demo, 2007, connecting cultures) [Libanon, world] KASSIN+2: Esquecido (Futurismo, 2007, Luaka Bop) KASSIN+2: Ponto final (Futurismo, 2007, Luaka Bop)
KASSIN+2: simbioticos (Futurismo, 2007, Luaka Bop)
KASSIN+2: Homem ao mar (Futurismo, 2007, Luaka
Bop) [brazil, bossa] STRING SISTERS: luseblus (live,
2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: rumble thy bellyful
(live, 2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: shetland fiddle
diva... (live, 2007, galileo) [celtic/scandinavian] 648. Sendung - 13. 11. 2007 ------weird romantic folk----- ESPERS: Meadow (Espers, 2003,
wichita recordings) ESPERS: daughter (Espers, 2003,
wichita recordings) [usa, folk] ESPERS: Rosemary Lane (The Weed
tree, 2005, locust) ESPERS: Black is the colour (The
Weed tree, 2005, locust) [usa, folk] ESPERS: Dead Queen (II, 2006,
wichita recordings) ESPERS: mansfield and cyclops (II,
2006, wichita recordings) ESPERS: Dead King (II, 2006, wichita
recordings) [usa, folk] TUNGG: fair doreen (This is...
tunng, 2004, static caravan) TUNGG: tale from black (This is...
tunng, 2004, static caravan) TUNGG: People folk (This is...
tunng, 2004, static caravan) [usa, folk] 647. Sendung -
6. 11. 2007 -----new folk cds from brittany----- PENNGOLLO: al leur nevez, ton simpl
(Da bep tu, 2006, coop breizh) PENNGOLLO: al leur nevez, ton doubl (Da
bep tu, 2006, coop breizh) PENNGOLLO: Du stal! (Da bep tu,
2006, coop breizh) PENNGOLLO: Mets du phil! (Da bep tu,
2006, coop breizh) PENNGOLLO: Katel ar floc'h (Da bep
tu, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] FOLLENN: la chat à 3 pats (D'un bout à l'autre,
2004, coop breizh) FOLLENN: Les rats tos poilus (D'un bout à l'autre,
2004, coop breizh) FOLLENN: scottiches du pergo (D'un bout à l'autre,
2004, coop breizh) FOLLENN: Les saoulvaches (D'un bout à l'autre,
2004, coop breizh) FOLLENN: Glas'mosphére (D'un bout à l'autre, 2004,
coop breizh) FOLLENN: Kas Harménie (D'un bout à l'autre, 2004,
coop breizh) FOLLENN: Bal'rine (D'un bout à l'autre, 2004, coop
breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] BILL EBET
BAND: Nag er verbig (Klemedenn er blei, 2007, coop breizh) [folk jazz] 646. Sendung -
30. 10. 2007 -----new folk cds from southern
europe------ PACHECO, Mario: Para fontes rocha (a musica e a
guitara, 2007, world connections) PACHECO, Mario / Mariza: Ha uma musica do povo (a
musica e a guitara, 2007, world connections) PACHECO, Mario: desperdar na Cidade (a musica e a
guitara, 2007, world connections) PACHECO, Mario: alem-terra (a musica e a guitara,
2007, world connections) [portugal, fado] ROSAPAEDA: O re re (Mater, 2007, Felmay) ROSAPAEDA: Angelo benedetto (Mater, 2007, Felmay) ROSAPAEDA: Sto core mio (Mater, 2007, Felmay) ROSAPAEDA: O re re (remix) (Mater, 2007, Felmay) ROSAPAEDA: Pizzica trance (Mater, 2007, Felmay) [italy, dub-folk] MAU MAU: Da Qui ai Caraibi (dea, 2007, Felmay) MAU MAU: Il Treno del sole (dea, 2007, Felmay) MAU MAU: Mia Macchina Mercedes (dea, 2007, Felmay)
Cartoline (dea, 2007, Felmay) [italy, folk] 645. Sendung -
26. 10. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat------ BOUKAKES, LES: L'alawi (bledi, 2004, mosaic) BOUKAKES, LES: Lila (bledi, 2004, mosaic) BOUKAKES, LES: Seur Feur (bledi, 2004, mosaic) BOUKAKES, LES: Bledi (bledi, 2004, mosaic) BOUKAKES, LES: Dorbiha (bledi, 2004, mosaic) [france, oriental rock] [concert in Freiburg ahead] various: The brides and Tartars set
(v/a, traditional music from the RSAMD, 2006, greentrax) ROSS, James: Whistle o'er the Lave
O't (v/a, traditional music from the RSAMD, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, compilation] SPROULE, Devon: The well dressed son
to his Sweetheart (v/A, fRoots 29, 2007) ATHENA: Inside out (v/A, fRoots 29,
2007) LAU: Hinba (v/A, fRoots 29, 2007) UNTHANK, Rachel: Blue Bleezin' blind
drunk (v/A, fRoots 29, 2007) XIANG, Sheng: planting trees (v/A,
fRoots 29, 2007) [compilation] 644. Sendung - 23. 10. 2007 -----new folk cds from southern
europa with female voices----- DAZKARIEH: Olhos de Mare (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Nyckel Power (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Agua Mae (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Senhora da Azenha
(Dazkarieh, 2007, Heptatrad/galileo) DAZKARIEH: Vitorina (Dazkarieh,
2007, Heptatrad/galileo) [portugal, folk] DONA ROSA: Cavalos (segredos, 2003, Jaro) DONA ROSA: Moda do entrudo (segredos, 2003, Jaro) [portugal, singer] ATHENA: recently scarred (Breathe
with me, 2007, embraceable) ATHENA: shades of grey (Breathe with
me, 2007, embraceable) ATHENA: eden (Breathe with me, 2007,
embraceable) ATHENA: let me in (Breathe with me,
2007, embraceable) [greece, folkpop] PEON, Mercedes: A minha (siha, 2007,
galego/galileo) PEON, Mercedes: Igualina que os antigos (siha,
2007, galego/galileo) [spain, folk] 643. Sendung -
19. 10. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------- OPPERMANN et al:
Stream of Gold (V/A, Klangwelten Festival 2007, 2007, Klangwelten) OPPERMANN/MAHDJUB:
Eliz Ysa (V/A, Klangwelten Festival 2007, 2007, Klangwelten) OPPERMAN/MAHDJUB/KILI:
Kleiner Stumpe (V/A, Klangwelten Festival 2007, 2007, Klangwelten) OPPERMANN et al: les vagues d'alsace (V/A,
Klangwelten Festival 2007, 2007, Klangwelten) [compilation] [concert today at Freiburg Waldsee] DIKANDA:
Temera (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) MALINKY: Three
Ravens (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) AEDO: Mère
Mère (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) AEDO: Bouquet
Bloumé (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) DIKANDA:
Lazito (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) INSTINKT:
Bjerg (v/a, Folkherbst Plauen - Preisträger 99-06, 2007, Löwenzahn/Heideck) [festival compilation] 642. Sendung - 16. 10. 2007 -----new folk cds from spain------- GIL, Miguel: Tic Tac (Eixos, 2007,
temps/galileo) GIL, Miguel: Parea (Eixos, 2007,
temps/galileo) GIL, Miguel: Homenatge (Eixos, 2007,
temps/galileo) [spain, folk] TEJEDOR: anada pa julia (Musica na Maleta, 2007,
resistencia/galileo) TEJEDOR: el regresu (Musica na Maleta, 2007,
resistencia/galileo) TEJEDOR: salton d'Ivana (Musica na Maleta, 2007,
resistencia/galileo) TEJEDOR: La maleta al agua (Musica na Maleta,
2007, resistencia/galileo) [galicia, folk] GUANDUL: chancle (marana, 2007, galileo) GUANDUL: carta olvido (marana, 2007, galileo) [spain, mestizo] NOUR: Namchi maac (papier mullat, 2007,
kasba/galileo) NOUR: Viatjar per la ment (papier mullat, 2007,
kasba/galileo) NOUR: lluna (papier mullat, 2007, kasba/galileo) NOUR: Perder el sentido (papier mullat, 2007,
kasba/galileo) [spain,
mestizo] 641. Sendung -
12. 10. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ MARFUL: Fado
Talvez (Marful, 2006, galileo) MARFUL: Jota
Gagarin (Marful, 2006, galileo) [galicia, latin] PONZIN, Guido: ancient path to the
windwimm - evening (twilight town, 2006, ozella) PONZIN, Guido: little dance for a
siamese cat (twilight town, 2006, ozella) [germany, chapman stick] BUIKA: Ay de mi primavera (Mi Nina Lola, 2006,
estrella galicia/Galileo) BUIKA: Triunfo (Mi Nina Lola, 2006, estrella
galicia/Galileo) [galicia, singer] MANX, Harry: Afghani Raga (Mantras
for Madmen, 2005, Dog my cat) [Canada, singer-songwr.] IVEN, Miguel: Sara Sofia (Flamenco de Solera y
Crianza, 2006, Galileo) [spain, flamenco] HIME, Francis: A dor a mais (Arquitetura d Flor,
2006, bisquitofino/galileo) HIME, Francis: Historia de Amor (Arquitetura d
Flor, 2006, bisquitofino/galileo) [brazil, bossa] MARIACHI DOS MUNDOS: cuando vuelva a tu lado (el
nuevo sonido, 2006, Oriente) MARIACHI DOS MUNDOS: samba pa ti (el nuevo sonido,
2006, Oriente) [germany/mexico, mariachi] JONER, Sverre Indris: Track 5 (symphonic tango,
demo, 1999) JONER, Sverre Indris: track 8 (symphonic tango,
demo, 1999) [norway, tango] 640. Sendung - 9. 10. 2007 -----new folk cds from england------ KNIGHTLY, Steve: Poppy day (Cruel
river, 2007, hands on music) KNIGHTLY, Steve: all quiet on the
Western front (Cruel river, 2007, hands on music) KNIGHTLY, Steve: Transported (Cruel
river, 2007, hands on music) KNIGHTLY, Steve: Crooked man (Cruel
river, 2007, hands on music) [england, folk] OYSTERBAND: Where the world divides
(Meet you there, 2007, Westpark) OYSTERBAND: Walking down the road
with you (Meet you there, 2007, Westpark) OYSTERBAND: Bury me standing (Meet
you there, 2007, Westpark) OYSTERBAND: The Boy's still running
(Meet you there, 2007, Westpark) [england, folkpop] MEGSON: Lambkin (Smoke of home,
2007, EDJ) MEGSON: Sammy's ghost (Smoke of
home, 2007, EDJ) MEGSON: Durban goal (Smoke of home,
2007, EDJ) MEGSON: Name of the rose (Smoke of
home, 2007, EDJ) [england, folk] THOMPSON, Richard: Poppy-red (sweet
warrior, 2007, proper) THOMPSON, Richard: Francesca (sweet
warrior, 2007, proper) THOMPSON, Richard: She sang angels
to rest (sweet warrior, 2007, proper) [england,
singer/songwr.] 639. Sendung -
5. 10. 2007 ------zweite
Heimat------ VANDENABEELE, Wouter: chanson pour se distraire
(Chansons sans paroles, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] SQUIBAN, Didier: La plage (La plage, 2006, l'oz) [brittany, folk-jazz] BANCHINI, Francesco: Il volo (Baqshish, 2007,
Felmay) [italy, clarinet] COLLIER, Soetkin: de veerman
(nocturne, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] BODEN, Jon: Get a little something
(painted lady, 2006, soundpost) [england,
singer-songwriter] BELLOWHEAD: Across the line
(Burlesque, 2006, Westpark) [england, big band folk] NORTH CREGG: go your way (the
roseland barndance, 2007, greentrax) [ireland, celtic] TUNGG: The pioneers (V/A, folk off,
2006, sunday best/vital dist) [england/usa, nu folk compilation] DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Tormantos Ska (Wateke!,
2005, ventilador) [spain, latin ska] LITTLE COW: Ne engedjel sohasem (I'm
in love with every lady, 2007, eastblok) [hungary, folk-pop] AKLI D.: Good morning tchetchenia
(v/a, froots 28, 2006, self) [magazine
sampler] FISCHER,
Evelyn: Feinsliebchen, Du sollst mir nicht barfus gehen (die Gedanken sind
frei, 2007, universal) [germany, folk] SALGUEIRO, Teresa: So tinha de ser con voce (Obrigado, 2005, EMI) [portugal, singer] GIL, Miguel: Bandereta (en concert, 2006, Galileo)
[spain, singer-songwr.] DUNKELBUNT: La revedere (Morgenlandfahrt, 2007,
chatchapeau) [austria, balkan club] A CONSOMMER DE PREFERENCE: La Kenapo (éléve en
plein air, 2006, home) [belgium,
folk] 638. Sendung -
2. 10. 2007 ----new european folkpop cds----- DUNKELBUNT: smile on your face -
baba ganoush remix (smile on your face, ep, 2007, chat chapeau) [austria, balkan club] SHANTEL: Fige ki Ase me (disko partizani, ep,
2007, essay) SHANTEL: Sota (disko partizani, ep, 2007, essay) SHANTEL: The Veil (disko partizani, ep, 2007,
essay) SHANTEL: Marko i Shantel (disko partizani, ep,
2007, essay) SHANTEL: Donna Diaspora (disko partizani, ep,
2007, essay) [germany, balkanpop] OI VA VOI: Further - deeper (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Look down (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Yuri (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Dissident (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Balkanik (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Black Sheep (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) OI VA VOI: Nosick (Oi va voi, 2007, V2) [england,
folkpop] 637. Sendung -
25. 9. 2007 -----new german folkrock cds------- LACK OF LIMITS: Johnny C (tor, 2007,
Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: Adventure hero (tor,
2007, Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: As I Ringeld Out
(tor, 2007, Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: Aheyen Adoor Atree
(tor, 2007, Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: Fluff (tor, 2007,
Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: Carlow (tor, 2007,
Jaro) LACK OF LIMITS: Remember (tor, 2007,
Jaro) [germany, folkrock] AHEAD TO THE SEA: I see, you see
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: folk punk radio
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Reason Why
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Lads of Laois
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Hannes (Treffer
versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Give a future
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) [germany,
folkrock] 636. Sendung -
18. 9. 2007 -----new folk dancefloor cds from
scotland------ PEATBOG FAERIES: Still drunk in the
morning (what men deserve to lose, 2007, peatbog records) PEATBOG FAERIES: Jason's famous
Banjo (what men deserve to lose, 2007, peatbog records) PEATBOG FAERIES: There's a girl...
(what men deserve to lose, 2007, peatbog records) PEATBOG FAERIES: Friend of Crazy Joe
(what men deserve to lose, 2007, peatbog records) [scotland, celtic] SHOOGLENIFTY: Walter C. Douglas
(troots, 2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: McConnell's Rant
(troots, 2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: Charlie and the
professor (troots, 2007, shoogle) SHOOGLENIFTY: the eccentric (troots,
2007, shoogle) [scotland, celtic] FINLAY MACDONALD BAND: new breton's
(re echo, 2007, greentrax) FINLAY MACDONALD BAND: Back to
Bergamo (re echo, 2007, greentrax) FINLAY MACDONALD BAND: Elav the
terrible (re echo, 2007, greentrax) [scotland, folk dancefloor] 635. Sendung -
14. 9. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat------ TRIAKEL: ovantad bröllopsgast
(Triakel, 1998, Westpark) [sweden, folk] RANARIM: Brinnainga hjartan
(Morgonstjärna, 2006, westpark) [sweden, folk] SCHÄL SICK BRASS
BAND: Kling klang (prasti music, 2006, westpark) [germany, brass folk] TESI, Ricardo: & Carboni, Claudio: (Crinali,
2006, Felmay) [italy, folk] LAMOUR: Yer'mat (Yer'mat, 2005, l'oz, coop breizh)
[brittany, electro-fest noz] STARTIJENN:
Pak (startijenn, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] SOURDINE:
Tussen Mechelen en Malderen... (Sourdine, 2006, Appel/wbm) [belgium, folk] FOLLIA!: De jacht (Grasshopper,
2006, wildboarmusic) [belgium, folk] SERVAT, Gilles: le pays (je vous emporte dans mon
coeur, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany, folk] STRAUSS: Steve: Old Crow (V/A,
closer to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) [label compilation] ISLA ST. CLAIR: Lament for the
commandos (v/a, Celtic Women from Scotland, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] BONNIE "PRINCE" BILLY:
strange form of life (the letting go, 2006, domino) [usa, singer-songwr.] BREUT, Francoiz: le ravin (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) [festival demo] TRANSSYLVANIANS: Szamaru vasamap
(fel es egesz, 2006, Westpark) [germany, folkrock] TANGO FUSION CLUB: Bandoneon acorazado - dj
malente mix (vol. 2, electronic flavoured tango beats, 2006, groove attack) [germany, electro tango] 634. Sendung - 11. 9. 2007 ------new scandinavian folk
cds------- SEGLEM,
Karl: Morenelys (urbs, 2007, Ozella) SEGLEM,
Karl: Fossil (urbs, 2007, Ozella) [norway, folk-jazz] KVONN: Wrigleys (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Angelika's Jig & Angelika's Reel (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Lament (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Streingir (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Tjornakur (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Jakups Marsi (hvonn, 2007, tutl) KVONN:
Jake's waltz (hvonn, 2007, tutl) [faroe, folk] SEGA DEL CANTO, La: Oi kuu (Light metal
music, 2007, Humppa) SEGA DEL CANTO, La: Näpit irti (Light metal
music, 2007, Humppa) SEGA DEL CANTO, La: Aurinkolaiva (Light
metal music, 2007, Humppa) [finland, saw] CLUB RENAISSANCE: Vive henri 4 (V/A,
danish roots 2007, growing in the world) ROLAND, Anders / Olafsson, Finn:
Gran vinter (V/A, danish roots 2007, growing in the world) INSTINKT: Rudolstadt karavanen (V/A,
danish roots 2007, growing in the world) [denmark,
compilation] 633.
Sendung - 4. 9. 2007 ------new breton folk cds------- LIAMM: Ar hogig yaouank (Liamm,
2005, coop breizh) LIAMM: Tant d'an foer da bleijidi
(Liamm, 2005, coop breizh) [brittany, classical folk] YUDAL COMBO: Kas 'bah Rabat (Yudal
Combo, 2006, coop breizh) YUDAL COMBO: Pilée Novo (Yudal Combo,
2006, coop breizh) YUDAL COMBO: Piledelik (Yudal Combo, 2006,
coop breizh) YUDAL COMBO: A night in Plouyé (Yudal
Combo, 2006, coop breizh) YUDAL COMBO: D'an traon gant ar c'hoadou
pa'z an (Yudal Combo, 2006, coop breizh) [britanny, folk-jazz] ESQUISSE: Bodligan, le lendemain d'hier
(Dual, 2007, Kerisac) ESQUISSE: Donnons l'âme aux rats (Dual,
2007, Kerisac) ESQUISSE: Splinn (Dual, 2007, Kerisac) ESQUISSE: la pouce étiré (Dual, 2007,
Kerisac) ESQUISSE: He's born, part 4 (Dual,
2007, Kerisac) ESQUISSE: A bas les balais , la cymbal est
à rivets (Dual, 2007, Kerisac) [britanny,
fest noz] 632.
Sendung - 31. 8. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------- GAYANE: Quicksand lies (he brings
you flowers, 2006, Keltia) GAYANE: Fürther down the way (he
brings you flowers, 2006, Keltia) [brittany, singer-songwr.] TROMPETTES DU MOZAMBIQUE: Goran Velu (10
ans, audio/dvd, 2005, coop breizh) TROMPETTES DU MOZAMBIQUE: Mariage d'argent
(10 ans, audio/dvd, 2005, coop breizh) [brittany, breton brass] GNAHORÈ, Dobet: Issa (Na Afriki;
2007, contre jour) [ivory coast, world] POWERS, Luke: northern lights
(picture book, 2007, Phoebe claire) [usa, singer-songwr.] VAN DER SPUY, Nibs: beautiful feet
(Beautiful feet, 2007, 2feet) VAN DER SPUY, Nibs: road (Beautiful
feet, 2007, 2feet) [south africa, singer-songwr.] SOWETO GOSPEL CHOIR: One (African
Spirit, 2006, shanachie/just) SOWETO GOSPEL CHOIR: Sefapano
(African Spirit, 2006, shanachie/just) [south africa, gospel] KORAI öRÖM: 2005/2 (Volume Zero, 2007,
Lollipoppe shoppe) [hungary, ethno rock] 631. Sendung - 28. 8. 2007 -----new folk cds from belgium---- FRANCOIS, Didier / Gabriel Yacoub: vois mon enfang
(dans l'oubli du sommeil/brand new world) FRANCOIS, Didier / Chabenat, Gilles: om an jag an
reste (dans l'oubli du sommeil/brand new world) FRANCOIS, Didier / Chabenat, Gilles: clou (dans
l'oubli du sommeil/brand new world) FRANCOIS, Didier / Chabenat, Gilles: en konstig
fan (dans l'oubli du sommeil/brand new world) FRANCOIS, Didier / Chabenat, Gilles: ekkerhard
(dans l'oubli du sommeil/brand new world) [belgium, folk] TREF: bering (loop to the moon,
2007, wild boar music) TREF: loop to the moon (loop to the
moon, 2007, wild boar music) TREF: zachte landing (loop to the
moon, 2007, wild boar music) TREF: les crepes dans l'oreille
(loop to the moon, 2007, wild boar music) [belgium, accordeon] ET ENCORE: eternal quest (the barber
next door, 2006, self) ET ENCORE: leeson street (the barber
next door, 2006, self) ET ENCORE: the trip (the barber next
door, 2006, self) [belgium, folkrock] LEO: a little light of love
(Crossing the strings, 2007, home) [belgium, folkpop] CROMMEN, Thierry: la gigue de krommennec'h
(versions originales, 2007, Home) CROMMEN, Thierry: la marche (versions
originales, 2007, Home) [belgium, mouth harp] 630. Sendung - 24. 8. 2007 -----Zweite Heimat------ U.L.M.A.N.: Hupf auf! (Acoustic power, 1996,
Loewenzahn/RUM) [germany, europamusik] GRIFF: Carnaval (Griff, 2006,
Appel/wbm) [belgium, folk] MONTI, Giangilberto: Terro di Bonnot (v/a,
catalogue, 2006, folk club ethnosuoni) [italy, label compilation] TURLU TURSU: Planxty (v/a,
homerecords.be, vol. 1, 2006, home) [belgium compilation] SHIN, the: Swanny Waltz (EgAri,
2006, Jaro) [georgia, folk-jazz] MULLER, Heidi / Webb, Bob: I will (Seeing
things, 2005, self) [usa, folk] AFENGINN: Adante mobile (akrobakkus,
2006, Tutl) [denmark, europamusik] DOTA,
DIE KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Zeitgeist (Blech + Plastik, 2005, kp records) [germany, singer-songwr.] DOYLE, John: Reels: the gooseberry bush
(v/a, masters of the irish guitar, 2006, shanachie/just) [ireland, guitar] MCKANZIE, K.C: the restless wanderer
(the widow tries to hide, 2006, bluebird café) [germany, singer-songwr.] FISH,
Eric: Sonnenkalt (Gegen den Strom, 2007, alive) [germany, singer-songwr.] 17 HIPPIES: Tick tack (Heimlich,
2007, hipster) [germany,
europamusik] BINDER
& KRIEGLSTEIN: Alles verloren (Alles verloren, 2007, essay) [austria, singer-songwr.-pop] CHUPOCABRAS: La isla (Fieras, 2006,
galileo) [germany, mestizo] NORKST: Kas a bac'h (Kreiz Breizh Akademi,
2006, Innacor/l'autre) [brittany, folk] QNTAL: vogelfluc (IV Ozymandias, 2005,
drakkar) [germany, medieval electro] Keine
Heimat am 21. 8. 2007 Wiederholung
vom 14. 8. 2007 629.
Sendung - 17. 8. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat----- JARRET:
Bicyklus (Vztahem Zapni!, 2006, indies) [czech rep., folk-pop] POSMRTNÈ ZKUSENOSTI: Adelka (Aither,
2006, indies) [czech rep., ethno-rock] ZAMBOSI: Tri Psi (to se to Hraje, 2006,
indies) [czech rep., folkpop] KOA:
Nevim (koa, 2006, indies) KOA: Poslouchej (koa, 2006, indies) [czech rep., folkpop] DUNKELBUNT: the chocolate butterfly
(the chocolate butterfly, promo, 2006, chatchapeau) DUNKELBUNT: la revedere (the
chocolate butterfly, promo, 2006, chatchapeau) [austria, balkan club] WAINOTÄR:
Kihlaus (V/A, Sampler 2006, disc 1, wolfgang/silence) SOUL CAPTAIN BAND: Lyomaton Tyyli
(V/A, Sampler 2006, disc 1, wolfgang/silence) [finland, label compilation] LAMOUR, Pascal: strange barn
(shamans of brittany, DEMO, 2004, harmonia mundi) LAMOUR, Pascal: hunvreal (shamans of
brittany, DEMO, 2004, harmonia mundi) [brittany, folk-dancefloor] KELTIAFRICA: Frère de chant (Le mystère celte
rencontre la magie africaine, 2004, bateau bleu) [brittany/africa, world] BENNATO, Eugenio: sponda sud (sponda sud,
demo, 2005, taranta power) [italy, folk] KORBELL, Nolwenn: daffyd y garreg wen
(Bendez c'houlon, 2006, coop breizh) KORBELL, Nolwenn: un petit navire
d'espagne (Bendez c'houlon, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
singer-songwr.] 628.
Sendung - 14. 8. 2007 ------Portrait Kroke------ KROKE: River of Shadows (seventh
trip, 2007, oriente) KROKE: Tomorrow for a While (seventh
trip, 2007, oriente) KROKE: Romenisher Tants
(Trio-Klezmer Acoustik Music, 1996, Oriente Music) KROKE: Fun Tashlik (Eden, 1997,
Oriente Rien) KROKE: Sher (Live at the Pit, 1998,
Oriente Rien) KROKE: time (The Sounds of the
vanishing world, 1999, Oriente RIEN) KROKE: unusual happiness (Ten pieces
to save the world, 2003, oriente) KROKE & KENNEDY, Nigel: T 4.2
(East meets east, EMI, 2003) KROKE: Ajde jano (Quartet - Live at
home, 2004, Oriente) [poland, klezmer] KROKE: Canon (seventh trip, 2007,
oriente) [poland,
avantgarde klezmer) 627.
Sendung - 10. 8. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ PANJABI MC: Jogi (v/a, asian club
night, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] ARASH: Man o to (V/A, oriental
garden Vol 4., lola's world) [compilation] NUOVA AGRICOLA ASSOCIAZIONE: Chi te tutte
cose (NAA, 2006, radici musicali) [italy, folk] ROBIN, Thierry / Sapera, Gulabi: Yakeen
(Rakhi, 2002, naive/auvidis) [france, gypsy] MACIAS, Enrico: El porompompero
(v/a, latin garden 2, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] RURAL CAFE: droneless & golden castle
(en auivant la draille, 2006, self/l'autre) [france, folk] U.L.M.A.N.: valse luberon (Bordun
house, 1998, Heideck) [germany, europamusik] KASIR: Running for the bus... (Reel
Irish, 2006, Go) [denmark, celtic] BODEGA: Horo hu-o ma Nigh'n
donn(Bodega, 2006, greentrax) [scotland,
celtic] INSTINKT:
Malstrom (Grum, 2006, go) [denmark,
Taklax 1034 (Rimfaxe, 2006, westpark) [finland, swedish folk] SAUL, Mark: Beyond (mixolydian,
2004, greentrax) [scotland, folk] QNTAL: Monsieur's departure (Silver
swan, 2006, drakkar/sony) [germany, medieval pop] HELIUM VOLA: printemps (Liod, 2004,
chrom) [germany, medieval electro] LEHTI, Pekka & OUTO VOIMA: Artsi
(V/A, Tervetuloa Kioskiin Vol. 3, 2006, Humppa) [finland, folk] VASILIC, Nenad: Devojko mari hubava
(honey and blood, 2006, connecting cultures/galileo) [slovenia, folk-jazz] 627. Sendung -
10. 8. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ PANJABI MC: Jogi (v/a, asian club
night, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] ARASH: Man o to (V/A, oriental
garden Vol 4., lola's world) [compilation] NUOVA AGRICOLA ASSOCIAZIONE: Chi te tutte cose
(NAA, 2006, radici musicali) [italy, folk] ROBIN, Thierry / Sapera, Gulabi: Yakeen (Rakhi,
2002, naive/auvidis) [france, gypsy] MACIAS, Enrico: El porompompero
(v/a, latin garden 2, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] RURAL CAFE: droneless & golden castle (en
auivant la draille, 2006, self/l'autre) [france, folk] U.L.M.A.N.: valse luberon (Bordun
house, 1998, Heideck) [germany, europamusik] KASIR: Running for the bus... (Reel
Irish, 2006, Go) [denmark, celtic] BODEGA: Horo hu-o ma Nigh'n
donn(Bodega, 2006, greentrax) [scotland,
celtic] INSTINKT:
Malstrom (Grum, 2006, go) [denmark,
Taklax 1034 (Rimfaxe, 2006, westpark) [finland, swedish folk] SAUL, Mark: Beyond (mixolydian,
2004, greentrax) [scotland, folk] QNTAL: Monsieur's departure (Silver
swan, 2006, drakkar/sony) [germany, medieval pop] HELIUM VOLA: printemps (Liod, 2004,
chrom) [germany, medieval electro] LEHTI, Pekka & OUTO VOIMA: Artsi
(V/A, Tervetuloa Kioskiin Vol. 3, 2006, Humppa) [finland, folk] VASILIC, Nenad: Devojko mari hubava
(honey and blood, 2006, connecting cultures/galileo) [slovenia, folk-jazz] 626. Sendung - 7. 8. 2007 ------breton super groups----- TOUD'SAMES: Gavotenn an den dilabour (son
an den Dilabour, 2003/2007, coop breizh) TOUD'SAMES: son ar mignogn tremenet (son
an den Dilabour, 2003/2007, coop breizh) TOUD'SAMES: Ridées Derrière le fagots (son an den Dilabour,
2003/2007, coop breizh) TOUD'SAMES:
Gwazhan micher 'zo war an douar (son an den Dilabour, 2003/2007, coop breizh) [brittany,
folk] BARZAZ:
Gavotenn bro Pourlet (Ec'honder, 1989, coop breizh) BARZAZ:
Dans fisel (Ec'honder, 1989, coop breizh) BARZAZ: Dans Plinn (Ec'honder, 1989, coop
breizh) BARZAZ: Ton bale Bro Pourlet (Ec'honder, 1989, coop breizh) [brittany, folk] BARZAZ: Koat-houam ha Fanchig bihan (An
den kozh dall, 1992, Keltia) BARZAZ:
Ar butun (An den kozh dall, 1992, Keltia) [brittany,
folk] 625. Sendung -
31. 7. 2007 ------new folk cds from north
america---- MAMMALS: solo le pido a dios (Departure, 2006,
humble abide) MAMMALS: come as you are (Departure,
2006, humble abide) MAMMALS: please come in (Departure,
2006, humble abide) MAMMALS: Silk song (Departure, 2006,
humble abide) MAMMALS: Follow me to Carthage
(Departure, 2006, humble abide) [usa, folk] HAZMAT MODINE: Grade - a cracy day
(bahamut, 2007, Jaro) HAZMAT MODINE: Ugly rug (bahamut,
2007, Jaro) [usa, avantgarde blues] MATAPAT: Adieu donc belle Nanun (Que de paine et
d'amour, 2007, intermède) MATAPAT: Suite angelique (Que de paine et d'amour,
2007, intermède) MATAPAT: Donnez-moi la main (Que de paine et d'amour,
2007, intermède) [canada, folk] VISHTEN: hermine (11:11, 2007, coop
breizh) VISHTEN: ben C ben (11:11, 2007, coop breizh) VISHTEN: jolie fleur de rose (11:11, 2007, coop
breizh) VISHTEN: strediac bridge (11:11,
2007, coop breizh) VISHTEN: Hornspay (11:11, 2007, coop
breizh) [canada, folk] 624. Sendung -
24. 7. 2007 -----new folk cds from germany and
austria------ ESTAMPIE: Disse mi (Best of Estampie 86-06, 2007,
galileo) ESTAMPIE: Palästinalied (Best of Estampie 86-06,
2007, galileo) ESTAMPIE: Estampie V (Best of Estampie 86-06,
2007, galileo) ESTAMPIE: Reis glorio (Best of Estampie 86-06,
2007, galileo) [germany, medieval] BILWESZ: Gunsh (Spring, 2006,
Emmuty) BILWESZ:
Daniel (Spring, 2006, Emmuty) BILWESZ:
Jüngling (Spring, 2006, Emmuty) BILWESZ:
Spirea/Vorbei (Spring, 2006, Emmuty) [germany/austria, folk] BEIER, Tunji / Loibner, Matthias:
Lyloo (Zykado, 2007, galileo) BEIER, Tunji / Loibner, Matthias:
lalabee (Zykado, 2007, galileo) [austria, hurdy gurdy/Percussion] BALOU: little hand (Prophets of the
iron age, 2007, MTE) BALOU: april rain (Prophets of the
iron age, 2007, MTE) [germany,
folkrock] 623. Sendung -
20. 7. 2007 ------Zweite Heimat------ ÄL JAWALA: Track 1 (lost in Manele,
2007, self) ÄL JAWALA: Track 2 (lost in Manele,
2007, self) ÄL JAWALA: Track 5 (lost in Manele,
2007, self) ÄL JAWALA: Track 6 (lost in Manele,
2007, self) [germany, balkan beat] [they play today in Freiburg, at the
university] SEMA: Fikrimin inci gülü (v/A, made
in Turkey 3, 2006, lola's world) JÖNTÜRK: sun avucnundaki karanligi
bana (v/A, made in Turkey 3, 2006, lola's world) YOLCULARI: Gece: Hüzün (v/A, made in
Turkey 3, 2006, lola's world) YENER, Hande: Askin atesi (v/A, made
in Turkey 3, 2006, lola's world) KARDESLER, Yurtseven: Makaran San
Baglar (v/A, made in Turkey 3, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] ÄL JAWALA: Diva Nova (live at
Jazzhaus Freiburg, 2005, foca) [germany, balkan party] 622. Sendung - 17. 7. 2007 ------new folk cds from the British
Isles----- STOUT, Chris: the airth rant
(devil's advocate, 2007, greentrax) STOUT, Chris: Bambodansarna (devil's
advocate, 2007, greentrax) STOUT, Chris: Phil's tune (devil's
advocate, 2007, greentrax) STOUT, Chris: the sheriff (devil's
advocate, 2007, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] NORTH CREGG: the dark eyed sailor
(the roseland barndance, 2007, greentrax) NORTH CREGG: Go your way (the
roseland barndance, 2007, greentrax) [ireland, celtic] STRING SISTERS: Shetland fiddle
Diva... (live, 2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: G-strings (live,
2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: the fly and dodger
(live, 2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: Wackidoo (live,
2007, galileo) STRING SISTERS: Fremont center...
(live, 2007, galileo) [celtic/scandinavian] MUNRO, John: thunder on (plying my
trade, 2007, greentrax) MUNRO, John: While I am here (plying
my trade, 2007, greentrax) [australia, celtic] 621. Sendung - 10. 7. 2007 ------neue
deutsche Volxlied-CDs------- REICHEL,
Achim: Der Lindenbaum (Volxlieder, 2007, Tangram/Indigo) REICHEL,
Achim: Kein Feuer, kein Kohle (Volxlieder, 2007, Tangram/Indigo) REICHEL,
Achim: Oh wie kalt ist es geworden (Volxlieder, 2007, Tangram/Indigo) REICHEL,
Achim: Die Ballade von den Königskindern (Volxlieder, 2007, Tangram/Indigo) [germany,
folk] BOBO: es fiel
ein reif in der frühlingsnacht (Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) BOBO: der
schwere Traum (Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) BOBO: wildvögelein
(Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) BOBO:
todeskuss (Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) BOBO: mir
träumet, ich ruhte wieder (Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) [germany, folk
chanson] DEITSCH: Das
wacker Mädchen (Königskinder, 2005, rough trade) DEITSCH: die
Rheinbraut (Königskinder, 2005, rough trade) DEITSCH: das
Kind im Wald (Königskinder, 2005, rough trade) [germany,
folk] FISCHER,
Evelyn: dunkle Wolken (die Gedanken sind frei, 2007, universal) FISCHER,
Evelyn: Feinsliebchen, Du sollst mir nicht barfuss gehen (die Gedanken sind
frei, 2007, universal) [germany,
folk] 620. Sendung -
6. 7. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ BOUKAKES, LES:
Lila (bledi, 2004, mosaic) [france, oriental rock] GO LEM SYSTEM: Entra sin golpear
(Caceria, 2006, galileo) [spain, mestizo rock] KINKY BEAT, La: Big drumer (One more
time, 2006, galileo) [spain, mestizo] NUX VOMICA: Barbet Pantai (Nissa-pernambuco, 2006,
mosaic) [france, dub-folk] JAUNE TOUJOURS: Ici Bxl (club, 2006, choux de bruxelles)
[belgium, mestizo folk] LA BOUM: shout out (Shout out, 2006,
self) [germany, acoustic party folk] URBAN TRAD: Mind the gap (Elem,
2004, universal) [belgium, folk-pop] RED 5: Anno 76
(worldbeatfolkfreakjazzproject, 2004, self) [germany, folk-jazz] EYKEN, Tim van: fair ellen of
ratcliffe (Stiffs Lovers Holymen thieves, 2006, topic) [england,
singer-songwr.] YACOUB, Gabriel: les choses les plus simples (je
vois venir..., 2004, le roseau) [france chanson] HOTEL PALINDRONE: la bete blance (Elegance, 1998,
Extraplatte) [austria, bal folk] TRIO GRANDE: laisser tomber (V/A, United Folks,
Die Hayner proudly present, 1998, Verlag der Spielleute) [europamusik] MUZSIKAS: Azt Gondoltam, eso esik (Nem ugy van most
mint volt regen, 1982/1993, Hugnaroton) [hungary, folk] LEVY, Yasmin: Naci en alamo (La juderia, 2005,
Adama/Galileo) [spain, flamenco] 619. Sendung - 3. 7. 2007 ------new folk CDs from
Brittany----- HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: les métamorphoeses 1 (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: le grand voyageur 1 (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: les paletuviers (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: banian's jig (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: dans de la pluie (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: la nousille (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) HAMON MARTIN QUINTET: les métamorphoeses 2 (Les
métamorphoses, 2007, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] KARMA: mouvements 2 (mouvements, 2006, coop
breizh) KARMA: mouvements 1 (mouvements, 2006, coop
breizh) KARMA: le vol de la Gaviotta grande (mouvements,
2006, coop breizh) KARMA: l'orchestre du 7ème (mouvements, 2006, coop
breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] 618. Sendung -
29. 6. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat----- AHEAD TO THE SEA: Folk Punk Radio
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: I see, you see
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Reasons why
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Lads of Laois
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Hannes (Treffer
versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: Give a future
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: habibi (Treffer
versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) AHEAD TO THE SEA: doomshock bank
(Treffer versenkt, 2007, wolverine/soulfood) [germany, folkrock] [they play at the rdl-jubilee this
week] SMITH, Valerie & Liberty Pike:
Heaven is waiting (V/A, TFF Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) BERN/BRODY/RODACH: (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) MAJORSTUEN: jorun jogga (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) THE CROOKED JADES: Can't stand down
a mountaineer (V/A, TFF Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) BALKAN BEAT BOX: BBBeat (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) DAZKARIEH: Senhora da Azenha (V/A,
TFF Rudolstadt - Vorab-CD, 2007, self) [festival demo] 617. Sendung - 26. 6. 2007 -----(new) folk CDs from the edges
of europe----- ILGI: Osi, klavi, ozolini (ne uz vienu dienu,
2006, UPE) ILGI: taudiets judza balins judza (ne uz vienu
dienu, 2006, UPE) ILGI: vizi mezi gum dega (ne uz vienu dienu, 2006,
UPE) ILGI: kodala spreslica (ne uz vienu dienu, 2006,
UPE) [latvia, folk] ETNIKA: Talhahaj (Zifna, 2003, Marsovin) ETNIKA: Il Festa Tababu (Zifna, 2003, Marsovin) [malta, folk] FARANTURI, Maria: persephone's bad
dream (Way home, 2007, peregrina) FARANTURI, Maria: jannis (Way home,
2007, peregrina) FARANTURI, Maria: Peribanou (Way
home, 2007, peregrina) FARANTURI, Maria: I open the door in
the evening (Way home, 2007, peregrina) [greece, singer] KROKE: Canon (seventh trip, 2007,
oriente) KROKE: River of Shadows (seventh trip,
2007, oriente) KROKE: Tomorrow for a while (seventh
trip, 2007, oriente) [poland,
avantgarde klezmer) 616. Sendung - 19. 6. 2007 -----bal folk------ LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Amarena (à tout
moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Malaika (à tout
moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Tarantelle /
Arabella (à tout moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Out
of bed / Late breakfast (à tout moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Inspiration (à tout
moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve:
Looking at the sky (à tout moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: Majus (à tout
moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: She
sleeps (à tout moment, 2006, self) LUDWIG, Marion / Ellis, Steve: à tout moment (à
tout moment, 2006, self) [germany/england, bal folk] SUTTON, Julian: The bistro of
jeunesse (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) BEILBY, Geoff / Ellis, Steve (V/a,
made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) DAVIES, Annette / Liles, Geoff: Tea
with Val (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) MILLS, Jon / Field, Meriel: shiver
me ragges, cuddle the buttler (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005,
self) DOEKES, Els / Steenweg, Thomas: Hambo
after Hurtigs Pelle (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) GUERBIGNY, Benoit / Thebaut, Robert:
Noisette (V/a, made winterfestival at Kinnersley, 2005, self) [bal folk compilation] 615. Sendung - 12. 6. 2007 ------new balkan beat CDs------ BALKAN BEAT BOX: BBBeat (Nu Med,
2007, crammed) BALKAN BEAT BOX: Joro Boro (Nu Med,
2007, crammed) [israel, balkan club] DUNKELBUNT: la revedere (Morgenlandfahrt, 2007,
chatchapeau) DUNKELBUNT: black eyed sea (Morgenlandfahrt, 2007,
chatchapeau) DUNKELBUNT: Reuk Cocek (Morgenlandfahrt, 2007,
chatchapeau) DUNKELBUNT: Ja
Soldat (Morgenlandfahrt, 2007, chatchapeau) [austria, balkan club] CLEJANI EXPRESS: Vraja (A Devla,
2007, Network) CLEJANI EXPRESS: Luve Luve (A Devla,
2007, Network) CLEJANI EXPRESS: Bulgaras de gheata
rece (A Devla, 2007, Network) CLEJANI EXPRESS: bordejas (A Devla,
2007, Network) [romania,
balkan] 614. Sendung -
8. 6. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ KEJ: La ridée du chaseur... (namou, 2004, coopp
breizh) KEJ: Le plinn des ancien (namou, 2004, coopp
breizh) KEJ: L'an dro du balafon (namou, 2004, coopp
breizh) [brittany, folk] TUNSTALL, KT: another place to fall
(Eye to the Telescope, 2004, relentless/EMI) TUNSTALL, KT: Silent Sea (Eye to the
Telescope, 2004, relentless/EMI) TUNSTALL, KT: heal Over (Eye to the
Telescope, 2004, relentless/EMI) [scotland, singer-songwr.] FOLLIA!: tinalaria (Kiss me you
foool! kiss me lila, 2004, wild boar) FOLLIA!: quand la belll s'y promène
(Kiss me you foool! kiss me lila, 2004, wild boar) FOLLIA!: sammy, his peace (Kiss me
you foool! kiss me lila, 2004, wild boar) FOLLIA!: zepheus (Kiss me you foool!
kiss me lila, 2004, wild boar) FOLLIA!: tina brown (Kiss me you
foool! kiss me lila, 2004, wild boar) [belgium,
in lichter Farbe steht der Wald (Club-mix) (in lichter farbe steht der wald,
ep, 2004, chrom) HELIUM VOLA:
Omnia sol temperat (in lichter farbe steht der wald, ep, 2004, chrom) [germany, medieval] 613. Sendung - 5. 6. 2007 -----new folk cds from
brittany------ ROLAND CONQ TRIO: Reel des marais (an atalier,
2007, coop breizh) ROLAND CONQ TRIO: air d'encens (an atalier, 2007,
coop breizh) ROLAND CONQ TRIO: skrattposlskan (an atalier,
2007, coop breizh) ROLAND CONQ TRIO: Pa oan me bihan (an atalier,
2007, coop breizh) ROLAND CONQ TRIO: Muddy's reels (an
atalier, 2007, coop breizh) [brittany, guitar] KATÈ MÈ: trad collection (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: au ban de la republique (La Republique
des papillons, 2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: fortune (La Republique des papillons,
2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: les vielleux aveugle (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: la chanson des doigt (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: pauvre martin (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest) KATÈ MÈ: le facteuer de Landudé (La Republique des
papillons, 2005, avel ouest) [brittany,
funk fest noz] 612. Sendung -
29. 5. 2007 ----Portrait:
Dota, die Kleingeldprinzessin---- [sie spielt heute
im Freiburger Jazzhaus] DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN, & die Stadtpiraten: Öffentlicher Nahverkehr (Dota, die
Kleingeldprinzessin, 2003, self) DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN, & die Stadtpiraten: Zwischen Angel und Tür (Dota, die
Kleingeldprinzessin, 2003, self) DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN, & die Stadtpiraten: Neues Liebeslied (Dota, die
Kleingeldprinzessin, 2003, self) [germany, singer-songwr.] DOTA &
DAN: Riecht nach Dir (Mittelinselurlaub, 2004, self) DOTA &
DAN: Estorias Cabeludas (Mittelinselurlaub, 2004, self) [germany/brazil, bossa/singer-songwr.] DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Alles Du (Taschentöne live, 2004, kp records) DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Menschenklone (Taschentöne live, 2004, kp records) [germany, singer-songwr.] DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Friedberg (Blech + Plastik, 2005, kp records) DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Geheimnis (Blech + Plastik, 2005, kp records) DOTA, DIE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Die Drei (Blech + Plastik, 2005, kp records) [germany, singer-songwr. DOTA, D]IE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Schatten werfen (Immer nur Rosinen, 2006, kp records) DOTA, D]IE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: Noch so einer (Immer nur Rosinen, 2006, kp records) DOTA, D]IE
KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN: öffentlicher Nahverkehr (Immer nur Rosinen, 2006, kp
records) [germany, singer-songwr.] 611. Sendung - 22. 5. 2007 ------new folk CDs from southern
europe----- SALGUEIRO, Teresa: Na baixa do sapateiro
(Obrigado, 2005, EMI) SALGUEIRO, Teresa: lamento (Obrigado, 2005, EMI) SALGUEIRO, Teresa: So tinha de ser con voce
(Obrigado, 2005, EMI) [portugal, singer] GIL, Miguel: Bandereta (en concert, 2006, Galileo)
GIL, Miguel: kata (en concert, 2006, Galileo) GIL, Miguel: Canco des traginers (en concert,
2006, Galileo) [spain, singer-songwr.] AMAN AMAN: La adultera (Musica i Cantis sefardis
d'orient i occident, 2007, galileo) AMAN AMAN:
Durme... (Musica i Cantis sefardis d'orient i occident, 2007, galileo) AMAN AMAN: La adultera
(80 en estando) (Musica i Cantis sefardis d'orient i occident, 2007, galileo) [spain, folk] BERROGÜETTO: Cracovia (10.0. 2006, boa) BERROGÜETTO: Permafrost (10.0. 2006, boa) BERROGÜETTO: Levame de Aqui (10.0. 2006, boa) BERROGÜETTO: Salgame (10.0. 2006, boa) BERROGÜETTO: Entropialxia (10.0. 2006, boa) [galicia, folk] 610. Sendung -
18. 5. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------- TANGO FUSION CLUB: Por una cerveza (vol. 2,
electronic flavoured tango beats, 2006, groove attack) [germany, electro tango] GOTAN PROJECT: Mi confesion (Lunatico,
2006, Ya basta) [france,
electro tango] FALTRIQUEIRA: Canto Libre (Efffecto, 2006,
Resistenca/galileo) [spain, folk] LUAR NA LUBRE: Hai un paraiso, remix (Hai un
paraiso, 2004, Warner spain) [spain, folk-pop] KORRONTZI: belardi (Korrontzi, 2006,
nubenegra/galileo) [basque country, folk] ULMAN: strange lines (Vibes, 2006,
heideck) [germany, europamusik] PEVAR DEN: valse (Dek Vloaz, 2005,
coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] IMMIGRANT ORCHESTRA: Mütterliche
Liebe (home away from home, 2006, Jaro) [germany, world] FOLLIA!: Mister Grashopper
(Grasshopper, 2006, wildboarmusic) [belgium, folk] FIDDLER'S GREEN: When will we be
married (Drive me mad, 2006, deaf shepherd) [germany, celtic pop] SCHÄL SICK BRASS BAND: Halay (prasti
music, 2006, westpark) [germany, brass folk] QNTAL:
Frühling (Vol. II, 1995,
Gymnastic/EFA) [germany, medieval electro] RANARIM:
Falvard Lagermannsson (Morgonstjärna, 2006, westpark) [sweden, folk] SQUIBAN, Didier: Enez Bonno (La plage,
2006, l'oz) [brittany,
folk-jazz] 609.
Sendung - 8. 5. 2007 ----new folk cds from belgium----- COLLIER, Soetkin: de veerman (nocturne,
2007, home) COLLIER, Soetkin: in jesus naam
(nocturne, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] AMBROZIJN: schoon lief (10, 2007,
home) AMBROZIJN: dessus la mer coulante (10,
2007, home) AMBROZIJN: belle francoise (10, 2007,
home) AMBROZIJN: pieronelle (10, 2007, home) AMBROZIJN: naradie (10, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] VANDENABEELE, Woulter: chanson pour se
distraire (Chansons sans paroles, 2007, home) VANDENABEELE, Woulter: chanson de Arne
(Chansons sans paroles, 2007, home) VANDENABEELE, Woulter: chanson de grecs
(Chansons sans paroles, 2007, home) VANDENABEELE, Woulter: chanson de
divertissement (Chansons sans paroles, 2007, home) [belgium, folk] A CONSOMMER DE PREFERENCE: La Kénapo
(éléve en plein air, 2006, home) A CONSOMMER DE PREFERENCE: Adanah (éléve
en plein air, 2006, home) A CONSOMMER DE PREFERENCE: les feksafets
(éléve en plein air, 2006, home) [belgium,
folk] 608.
Sendung - 1. 5. 2007 ------new folk cds with east
european and klezmer music------ RUNDEK, Darko & Cargo Orkestar:
U-Bahn (Mhmm A-ha Oh yeah da-da, 2006, Piranha) RUNDEK, Darko & Cargo Orkestar:
12 Ptica (Mhmm A-ha Oh yeah da-da, 2006, Piranha) RUNDEK, Darko & Cargo Orkestar: Zvuk
oluje (Mhmm A-ha Oh yeah da-da, 2006, Piranha) [croatia/france, folkjazz] LITTLE COW: Hey, what's new (I'm in love
with every lady, 2007, eastblok) LITTLE COW: Viragok a reten (I'm in
love with every lady, 2007, eastblok) LITTLE COW: Ne Engedjel Schasem (I'm
in love with every lady, 2007, eastblok) [hungary, folk-pop] MERLIN SHEPHERD KAPELYE: the tongue
(intimate hopes & terrors, 2007, oriente) MERLIN SHEPHERD KAPELYE: never
enough cilantro, my dear (intimate hopes & terrors, 2007, oriente) MERLIN SHEPHERD KAPELYE: hopefulnes
(intimate hopes & terrors, 2007, oriente) MERLIN SHEPHERD KAPELYE: a game
played by commoners (intimate hopes & terrors, 2007, oriente) [england,
klezmer] TROYKE,
Karsten: Dus Gezang fin mayn harts(Dus Gezang fin mayn harts, 2006, Oriente) TROYKE,
Karsten: Harts mayn (Dus Gezang fin mayn harts, 2006, Oriente) [germany, yiddish tango] 607.
Sendung - 27. 4. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------- AKLI D.: Good morning tchetchenia
(v/a, froots 28, 2006, self) OYSTERBAND: Where the world divides
(v/a, froots 28, 2006, self) OATES, Jackie: Banks of Green willow
(v/a, froots 28, 2006, self) GJALLARHORN: Kokkovirsi (v/a, froots
28, 2006, self) HOVEN DROVEN: Petruchka A je (v/a,
froots 28, 2006, self) [compilation] NORTH SEA RADIO ORCHESTRA: Guitar
miniature (V/A, folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) THIS IS THE KIT: two wooden spoons (V/A,
folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) SONGS OF GREEN PHEASANT: Nightfal
(V/A, folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) ESPERS: Rosemary Lane (V/A, folk
off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) LEWIS, Jack: The day Neil Young Died
(V/A, folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) BLITZEN TRAPPER: 40 Stripes (V/A,
folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) TUNNG: the pioneers (V/A, folk off,
2006, sunday best/vital dist) [england/usa, nu folk compilation] STIVELL, Alan: Dividan (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) LES OURS DE SCORFF: La bonne peche (V/A,
musiques de bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) SQUIBAN, Didier: Tri men (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) LAMOUR: en orieu (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) STIVELL, Alan: Let the plinn (V/A,
musiques de bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) [compilation] 606. Sendung - 24. 4. 2007 -----new folk cds from england---- BODEN, Jon: get a little something
(painted lady, 2006, soundpost) BODEN, Jon: lamany (painted lady,
2006, soundpost) BODEN, Jon: win some lose some sally
(painted lady, 2006, soundpost) [england,
singer-songwriter] BELLOWHEAD: frog's legs and dragon's
teeth (Burlesque, 2006, Westpark) [england, big band folk] BELLOWHEAD: death and the lady
(Burlesque, 2006, Westpark) [england, big band folk] BELLOWHEAD: Jordan (Burlesque, 2006,
Westpark) [england, big band folk] BELLOWHEAD: Across the line
(Burlesque, 2006, Westpark) [england, big band folk] EYKEN, Tim van: fair ellen of
ratcliffe (Stiffs Lovers Holymen thieves, 2006, topic) EYKEN, Tim van: worcester city
(Stiffs Lovers Holymen thieves, 2006, topic) [england,
singer-songwr.] STEVE SKAITH BAND: Do without aladin
(imaginary friend, 2007, pläne) STEVE SKAITH BAND: Whiskey - httha
Yoga (imaginary friend, 2007, pläne) STEVE SKAITH BAND: How many new
toys? (imaginary friend, 2007, pläne) STEVE SKAITH BAND: Stranger at your
door (imaginary friend, 2007, pläne) [england,
folk-pop] 605.
Sendung - 20. 4. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat----- CLINE,
Leigh / Michailidis, Nikolas: Me to na Eimai Orfanos (Al Asha Bi daha, 2006,
scimitar) CLINE,
Leigh / Michailidis, Nikolas: Fisera Trapezuntas (Al Asha Bi daha, 2006,
scimitar) [canada, world] DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Tormantos Ska
(Wateke!, 2005, ventilador) DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Jackpot
(Wateke!, 2005, ventilador) DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Sin dinero no
hay amigos (Wateke!, 2005, ventilador) DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Losing papers
(Wateke!, 2005, ventilador) DISCIPULOS DE OTILIA: Viento de
libertad (Wateke!, 2005, ventilador) [spain, latin ska] OOJAMI: Sitare (bellydance
breakbeats, 2002, mondo) OOJAMI: Vuslat (bellydance
breakbeats, 2002, mondo) [england, worldbeat] BANCHINI, Francesco: Alte clamat
epicurus (Baqshish, 2007, Felmay) BANCHINI, Francesco: Venti di montagna
(Baqshish, 2007, Felmay) BANCHINI, Francesco: Il volo (Baqshish,
2007, Felmay) [italy, clarinet] CALLE REAL: Rompiendo Murallas (Con
fuerza, 2006, galileo) CALLE REAL: Amor tal vez Perdido (Con
fuerza, 2006, galileo) [germany, latin] 604. Sendung - 17. 4. 2007 ----new folk cds from southern
europe----- RAREFOLK: natural fractals (Natural
fractals, 2006, galileo) RAREFOLK: psycoceltic (Natural
fractals, 2006, galileo) RAREFOLK: copernico (Natural fractals,
2006, galileo) RAREFOLK: Alegria (Natural fractals,
2006, galileo) RAREFOLK: Glissentar (Natural
fractals, 2006, galileo) RAREFOLK: Freestyle folk (Natural
fractals, 2006, galileo) [spain, folk] STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
Jaffa (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
Barcelona - Cantabria (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
Wyndham Hotel (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
Sikinos (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
Val de lua (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
the sun is rising (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
the joy of life (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) STASSINOPOULOU, Kristi / Kalyviotis, Stathis:
into the light (taxidoscopio, 2007, heaven and earth) [greece, folk-pop] 603. Sendung - 10. 4. 2007 -----new balkan folk CDs------ FANFARE CIOCARLIA: Kan Maraua la
(Queens and Kings, 2007, Asphalt Tango) FANFARE CIOCARLIA: Que Dolor (Queens
and Kings, 2007, Asphalt Tango) FANFARE CIOCARLIA: Cuando Tu volveras
(Queens and Kings, 2007, Asphalt Tango) FANFARE CIOCARLIA: Ibrahim (Queens
and Kings, 2007, Asphalt Tango) [rumania, gypsy brass] REDZEPOVA, Esma: Tu, me, duj Dzene
(Gypsy Carpet, 2007, Network) REDZEPOVA, Esma: Javera Cumingan
(Gypsy Carpet, 2007, Network) REDZEPOVA, Esma: So Maki Sum se
Rodila (Gypsy Carpet, 2007, Network) [macedonia, gypsie balkan] PLOTZ!: Kopanitsa (extraordinary
renditions, 2006, plotzmusic) PLOTZ!: Tarantella (extraordinary
renditions, 2006, plotzmusic) PLOTZ!: Makedonsko Oro
(extraordinary renditions, 2006, plotzmusic) PLOTZ!: Crabman (extraordinary
renditions, 2006, plotzmusic) [usa, balkan] KONSONANS RETRO: Khasitsky freilekhs
(a podolian affair, 2007, oriente) KONSONANS RETRO: Khasitsky Tanets
& Horo (a podolian affair, 2007, oriente) KONSONANS RETRO: Moldavskaya Polka (a
podolian affair, 2007, oriente) [ukrainia, brass] 602. Sendung - 3. 4. 2007 ----- new german and austrian folk
CDs----- 17 HIPPIES:
Deine Tränen (Heimlich, 2007, hipster) 17 HIPPIES: Tick Tack (Heimlich,
2007, hipster) 17 HIPPIES:
Apache (Heimlich, 2007, hipster) 17 HIPPIES:
Heimlich (Heimlich, 2007, hipster) [germany,
europamusik] MATHILDA:
Jacques Brel (M wie Mord, 2007, pläne) MATHILDA: Mein
Held (M wie Mord, 2007, pläne) MATHILDA:
Winter (M wie Mord, 2007, pläne) [germany, singer-songwr.-pop] FISH, Eric:
Reden (Gegen den Strom, 2007, alive) FISH, Eric:
Sonnenkalt (Gegen den Strom, 2007, alive) FISH, Eric:
Vergebung (Gegen den Strom, 2007, alive) [germany, singer-songwr.] BINDER &
KRIEGLSTEIN: Alles verloren (Alles verloren, 2007, essay) BINDER &
KRIEGLSTEIN: spit (Alles verloren, 2007, essay) [austria, singer-songwr.-pop] PAPERBOYS: Going places (The road to
Ellenside, 2005, stompy discs) PAPERBOYS: String of horses (The
road to Ellenside, 2005, stompy discs) PAPERBOYS: La primavera (The road to
Ellenside, 2005, stompy discs) [canada, folk] [concert
in Freiburg] 601. Sendung -
30. 3. 2007 -----Zweite Heimat------ STRAUSS, Steve: Just like love (V/A,
closer to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) STRAUSS, Steve: Old crow (V/A,
closer to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) CARRUTHERS, Ewen: Paris (V/A, closer
to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) MUNYON, David: Four wild horses
(V/A, closer to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) MUNYON, David: Lookin' at the rain
(V/A, closer to the music, vol 2, 2006, Stockfisch) [label compilation] MACPHEE, Catherine Ann: Canan Nan
Gaidheal (v/a, Celtic Women from Scotland, 2006, greentrax) ISLA ST. CLAIR: Lament for the
Commandos (v/a, Celtic Women from Scotland, 2006, greentrax) CAMPBELL, Mairi: Both sides the
tweed (v/a, Celtic Women from Scotland, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] WOVEN HAND: elktooth (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt 2006, 2006, Heideck) VEGA, Suzanne: Luka (V/A, TFF
Rudolstadt 2006, 2006, Heideck) BREUT,
Franzoiz: Le ravin (V/A, TFF Rudolstadt 2006, 2006, Heideck) ORANGE
BLOSSOM: Maldito (V/A, TFF Rudolstadt 2006, 2006, Heideck) LAMOUR: Kornig
en diaoul (V/A, TFF Rudolstadt 2006, 2006, Heideck) [festival compilation] 600. Sendung - 27. 3. 2007 -----new compilations from lola's
world------ SHOURANGIZ: majnoon Naboodam (v/a,
Made in Persia, 2006, Lola's World) NYAZ: the hunt (v/a, Made in Persia,
2006, Lola's World) YASHANI, Shahrum: Ghar O Ashti (v/a,
Made in Persia, 2006, Lola's World) EBI: Shab-E-Niloufari (v/a, Made in
Persia, 2006, Lola's World) PEDRAM: Yar Yar Yar (v/a, Made in
Persia, 2006, Lola's World) CYMNINOLOGY: Ovas (v/a, Made in
Persia, 2006, Lola's World) [compilation] DEDE, Mercan / Karaca, Kani: Zefir
(V/A, sufi's secret, 2006, lola's world) SEMAZEN: Hak dir allahim (V/A,
sufi's secret, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] WILMAN DE JESUS: walk like an egyptian
(V/A, oriental garden, vol. 5, 2007, lola's world) JAASHID: sheikhaani (V/A, oriental
garden, vol. 5, 2007, lola's world) HAKIM: Dalaani (V/A, oriental
garden, vol. 5, 2007, lola's world) ADAM: Hatha ana (V/A, oriental
garden, vol. 5, 2007, lola's world) ATLAS, Natasha: Ganwa Bossanova
(V/A, oriental garden, vol. 5, 2007, lola's world) [world, compilation] 599. Sendung -
23. 3. 2007 ------Zweite
Heimat------ METROTROLLS:
Waiting for the gang (v/a, Le monde est un village, 2005, radio nomade) [belgium,
compilation] STARTIJENN:
Stef zone - rond (startijenn, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
fest noz] DJAL: colifot (Repliques, 2006, l'autre) [france, bal folk] CONTRADANSA: la danza macabra (meridional, 2006,
galileo) [spain, folk] OJOS DE BRUJO: Timbeiro (v/a, Barcelona zona
bastarda, 2002, organic) [catalonia, ethno-rock] LAMOUR: A greiz kalon (Yer'mat, 2005, l'oz, coop
breizh) [brittany, electro-fest noz] BREGOVIC, Goran: So nevo si (v/A,
Gypsy garden, the world of Gypsy grooves, 2004, soulstar) [compilation] TESI, Ricardo: & Carboni, Claudio: La leggera
(Crinali, 2006, Felmay) [italy, folk] MCKANZIE, K.C: the restless wanderer
(the widow tries to hide, 2006, bluebird café) [germany, singer-songwr.] KLEINGELDPRINZESSIN:
alles du (Taschentöne live, 2004, kp records) [germany, singer-songwr] YACOUB, Gabriel: les choses les plus simples (je
vois venir..., 2004, le roseau) [france chanson] ROSS, James: Roslin castle (james ross, 2006,
geentrax) [scotland, celtic piano] LINETZKY, Andres / Romero, Ernesto:
Sentimientos (v/A: the tango club night, 2005, Lola's world) [compilation] 598. Sendung - 20. 3. 2007 -----new belgian folk cds----- SOURDINE: Secret-me (Sourdine, 2006, Appel/wbm) SOURDINE: Chapeau et Bretelles (Sourdine, 2006,
Appel/wbm) SOURDINE: Zoet Zeedier (Sourdine, 2006, Appel/wbm)
Tussen Mechelen en Malderen... (Sourdine,
2006, Appel/wbm) SOURDINE: Stella's ladder (Sourdine, 2006,
Appel/wbm) SOURDINE: Rue Belliard (Sourdine, 2006, Appel/wbm)
[belgium, folk] GRIFF: Carnaval (Griff, 2006, Appel/wbm) GRIFF: Rasta Pizza (Griff, 2006, Appel/wbm) GRIFF: Lazar /
An Dro Tortue (Griff, 2006, Appel/wbm) GRIFF: A la Jolie Fille (Griff, 2006, Appel/wbm) GRIFF: Mladja (Griff,
2006, Appel/wbm) [belgium,
TORNA: la casa originala (Les tisserands, 2006, homerecords/l'autre) AMAROMA/TRACES/ZEFIRO
TORNA: tant ai mon cor (Les tisserands, 2006, homerecords/l'autre) AMAROMA/TRACES/ZEFIRO
TORNA: la present etern (Les tisserands, 2006, homerecords/l'autre) AMAROMA/TRACES/ZEFIRO
TORNA: Arbor vitae (Les tisserands, 2006, homerecords/l'autre) AMAROMA/TRACES/ZEFIRO
TORNA: Fama publica (Les tisserands, 2006, homerecords/l'autre) [belgium,
classical folk] Sendung vom
13. 3. 2007 Wiederholfung
vom 27. 2. 2007 597. Sendung -
6. 3. 2007 -----new
breton folk cds------ NORKST: Kas a
bac'h (Kreiz Breizh Akademi, 2006, Innacor/l'autre) NORKST:
L'hayyam polka (Kreiz Breizh Akademi, 2006,
Innacor/l'autre) NORKST: ton
dizoubl ha tamm kreiz (Kreiz Breizh Akademi, 2006, Innacor/l'autre) NORKST: Dans
tro (Kreiz Breizh Akademi, 2006, Innacor/l'autre) [brittany, folk] VOLKSTROTT:
Aus meiner Brust (Todeskunst, 2007, John silver) [germany, medieval rock] [concert in
Freiburg] SERVAT: Comme je voudrais (je vous emporte dans
mon coeur, 2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: Eléanor (je vous emporte dans mon coeur,
2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: sur les quais de Dublin (je vous emporte
dans mon coeur, 2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: Le pays (je vous emporte dans mon coeur,
2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: Dansez le gavotenn (je vous emporte dans
mon coeur, 2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: le general des binious (je vous emporte
dans mon coeur, 2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: maro eo ma mestrez (je vous emporte dans
mon coeur, 2006, coop breizh) SERVAT: L'hirondelle (je vous emporte dans mon
coeur, 2006, coop breizh) [brittany,
folk] Zweite Heimat
2. 3. 2007 Wiederholung
vom 1. 9. 2006 596. Sendung -
27. 2. 2007 -----nu folk cds from the US------ BANHART, Devendra: Sawkill River
(Cripple Crow, 2005, XL) BANHART, Devendra: Long haired child
(Cripple Crow, 2005, XL) BANHART, Devendra: Lazy butterfly
(Cripple Crow, 2005, XL) [usa, nu folk) NEWSOM, Joanna: Emily (Ys, 2006,
Drag City) [usa, prog folk] CLUCK, Diane: Easy to be around
(V/A, Sidewalk songs & City Stories - new urban folk, 2007, Trikont) DAWSON, Kimya: Heroes 2002 (V/A,
Sidewalk songs & City Stories - new urban folk, 2007, Trikont) HUGGABROOMSTIK: pecan sandy (V/A,
Sidewalk songs & City Stories - new urban folk, 2007, Trikont) [usa, nu folk compilation] ESPERS: rosemary lane (V/A, folk
off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) BABY DEE: Morning Holds a star (V/A,
folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) BLITZEN TRAPPER: 40 Stripes (V/A,
folk off, 2006, sunday best/vital dist) [nu folk compilation] BONNIE "PRINCE" BILLY:
strange form of life (the letting go, 2006, domino) BONNIE "PRINCE" BILLY: wai
(the letting go, 2006, domino) BONNIE "PRINCE" BILLY: no
bad news (the letting go, 2006, domino) [usa, nu folk] Zweite Heimat
23. 2. 2007 Wiederholung
vom 12. 1. 2007 595. Sendung -
20. 2. 2007 -----new folk cds from germany----- FAUN: Sieben
(Totem, 2007, Curzweiyhl) FAUN: Zeit
nach dem Sturm (Totem, 2007, Curzweiyhl) [germany, folkwave] CHUPOCABRAS: La Isla (Fieras, 2006, galileo) CHUPOCABRAS: Cuanto tiempo mas! (Fieras, 2006, galileo) [germany, mestizo] MATURA, Roger: Generation kaputt
(return of the caveman, 2006, ozella) MATURA, Roger: Be rough be cool
(return of the caveman, 2006, ozella) MATURA, Roger: Not fade away (return
of the caveman, 2006, ozella) MATURA, Roger: I'll follow the sun
(return of the caveman, 2006, ozella) [germany, singer-songwr.] TRANSSYLVANIANS: harom arany (fel es
egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS: A mult nyarom (fel
es egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS: Tulipan (fel es
egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS: Acsitari hegyek
alatt (fel es egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS:
Szamaru (fel es egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS:
A tisza (fel es egesz, 2006, Westpark) TRANSSYLVANIANS:
Viragzik (fel es egesz, 2006, Westpark) [germany,
folkrock] 594. Sendung -
16. 2. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat------ OUGENWEIDE:
Merseburger Zaubersprüche (ougenweide/All die weil ich mag, 1973/1974/2006,
bear family) [germany, medieval folk] DEITSCH: Das
wacker mädchen (Königskinder, 2005, rough trade) [germany,
folk] BOBO:
todeskuss (Lieder von Liebe und Tod, 2006, Thek) [germany, folk chanson] ATTWENGER/bass t. & def ill:
dubeam (dog 2-remixes, 2006, trikont) [austria, avantgarde] HASSAM, Mariem: magat milkitna dulaa
(V/A: african garden, 2005, Lola's world) [compilation] DATAZ: Mume wa mtu (v/a, Tanzania,
2006, world music network) [compilation] PABAN DAS BAUL & SAM MILLS: Dil
ki Doya (v/a, asian club night, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] ROBIN, Titi: Meri jaan (ces vagues que l'amour
soulève, 2005, naive) [france, guitar] NUOVA AGRICOLA ASSOCIAZIONE: Chi te tutte cose
(NAA, 2006, radici musicali) [italy, folk] D'ARAC, Nidi: ahi tamburrieddhu! (Nidi d'arac,
2003, V2) [italy, folk] ZONA BRIGANTI: spuntunera (v/a, taranta power
management compilation, 2005, taranta power) [italy] JAUNE TOUJOURS: voor wat het is (club, 2006, choux
de bruxelles) [belgium, mestizo folk] BENNI HEMM HEMM: til eru frae (benni hemm hemm,
2005, smäkokurnar) [iceland, avantgarde folk] BURLAKAT: astuin küläs mandzoimarja (V/A,
Tervetuloa Kioskiin Vol. 3, 2006, Humppa) [finland, folk] INSTINKT:
Bjerg 2 (Grum, 2006, go) [denmark,
folk] FLUXUS:
wolkenfabriek (transparent, 2006, handelsbeurs) [belgium,
folk] 593. Sendung -
13. 2. 2007 -----Portrait:
ULMAN----- U.L.M.A.N.:
Hupf auf! (Accoustic power,
1996, Loewenzahn/RUM) U.L.M.A.N.: Dünnbier (Accoustic
power, 1996, Loewenzahn/RUM) U.L.M.A.N.: Papillon (Accoustic
power, 1996, Loewenzahn/RUM) U.L.M.A.N.: Tourdion No. 2
(Accoustic power, 1996, Loewenzahn/RUM) U.L.M.A.N.: Klein Till (Accoustic
power, 1996, Loewenzahn/RUM) [germany, europamusik] U.L.M.A.N.: Rebecca (Bordun house,
1998, Heideck) U.L.M.A.N.: waltz luberon (Bordun
house, 1998, Heideck) [germany, europamusik] RED 5: Anno '76
(worldbeatfolkfreakjazzproject, 2004, self) [germany, folk-jazz] ULMAN: Filz (Vibes,
2006, heideck) ULMAN: Strange
Lines (Vibes, 2006, heideck) ULMAN: Loola
(Vibes, 2006, heideck) ULMAN: Bordun
house (Vibes, 2006, heideck) ULMAN: popsong
(Vibes, 2006, heideck) [germany,
europamusik] 592. Sendung -
6. 2. 2007 -----new folk CDs from France----- RUNDEK, Darko & Cargo Orkestar: U-Bahn (Mhmm
A-ha Oh yeah da-da, 2006, Piranha) [croatia/france, folkjazz] [concert in
Freiburg] MACHINE, La: Le déserteur (Les rodeurs, 2006,
AEPEM/l'autre) MACHINE, La: les rôdeurs (Les rodeurs, 2006,
AEPEM/l'autre) MACHINE, La: vous qui n'avez pas d'amant (Les
rodeurs, 2006, AEPEM/l'autre) MACHINE, La: Jean Baptiste (Les rodeurs, 2006,
AEPEM/l'autre) [france, folk] RURAL CAFE: al grand prat (en auivant la draille,
2006, self/l'autre) RURAL CAFE: Suite Orientalo-ardechoise (en auivant
la draille, 2006, self/l'autre) RURAL CAFE: Suite de bourrées à 3 temps (en
auivant la draille, 2006, self/l'autre) RURAL CAFE: Droneless et Golden Castle (en auivant
la draille, 2006, self/l'autre) [france, folk] ATTIRAIL, L': Mon meilleur ami (mon meilleur ami,
2006, fairplay/l'autre) ATTIRAIL, L': Monsieur je sais tout (mon meilleur
ami, 2006, fairplay/l'autre) ATTIRAIL, L': Je vois des amis partout (mon
meilleur ami, 2006, fairplay/l'autre) ATTIRAIL, L': Bruno Taxi Service (mon meilleur
ami, 2006, fairplay/l'autre) [france, bande original du film] TALVERA, La: Las filhetas del barri (cants e
musicas del pais de lodeva, 2006, Cordae/l'autre) TALVERA, La: Joan de la riula (cants e musicas del
pais de lodeva, 2006, Cordae/l'autre) TALVERA, La: Mon paire m'a maridada (cants e
musicas del pais de lodeva, 2006, Cordae/l'autre) TALVERA, La: Lèva-te vite Bertomieu (cants e
musicas del pais de lodeva, 2006, Cordae/l'autre) [france, occitan folk] 591. Sendung - 30. 1. 2007 -----new folk CDs from
scandinavia----- GJALLARHORN: Kokkovirsi (Rimfaxe,
2006, westpark) GJALLARHORN: Taklax 1034 (Rimfaxe,
2006, westpark) [finland, swedish folk] STREIF: Jenta i naeset (Nordic
Winter, 2006, Ozella) STREIF: Den
Forste valsen (Nordic Winter, 2006, Ozella) [norway,
ethno-ambient-jazzrock] AFENGINN:
kantate mutagenia (akrobakkus, 2006, Tutl) AFENGINN:
andante mobile (akrobakkus, 2006, Tutl) AFENGINN:
Fotonen (akrobakkus, 2006, Tutl) [denmark, europamusik] KASIR: Running for the bus (Reel
Irish, 2006, Go) KASIR: Drowsie maggie (Reel Irish,
2006, Go) [denmark, celtic] 590. Sendung - 23. 1. 2007 -----new folk CDs from
scotland------ SAUL, Mark: Prelude and theme in E
Minor (mixolydian, 2004, greentrax) SAUL, Mark: the gateless gate
(mixolydian, 2004, greentrax) SAUL, Mark: Beyond (mixolydian,
2004, greentrax) SAUL, Mark: It's an instrument
(mixolydian, 2004, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] SHOORMAL: Camera obscure (turning
tide, 2006, greentrax) SHOORMAL: Skin deep (turning tide,
2006, greentrax) SHOORMAL: Slack Water (turning tide,
2006, greentrax) SHOORMAL: Tightrope walker (turning
tide, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, folk-pop] BODEGA: Smeorach Chiann Domhanaill
(Bodega, 2006, greentrax) BODEGA: Horo hu-o mo Nigh'n Donn
(Bodega, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] MACLEOD, Kevin: Pavane (Dorney Rock,
2006, greentrax) MACLEOD, Kevin: Robert Macdonald's
Jigs (Dorney Rock, 2006, greentrax) [scotland, celtic] 589. Sendung - 19. 1. 2007 -----Zweite Heimat------- FANTAZIA: Seen enough (V/A, oriental
garden Vol 4., lola's world) [compilation] ROBIN, Thierry / Sapera, Gulabi:
stadi ke badh (Rakhi, 2002, naive/auvidis) [france, gypsy] HASSAM, Mariem: Wadna (v/a, masala
welt-beat no.3, 2006, flowfish) [festival compilation] OGÜN SANLISOY: Ben de Özledim (v/A,
made in Turkey 2, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] HOVEN DROVEN: Tachan (Turbo, 2006,
westpark) [sweden, folk] HAYDAMAKY: kohania (adi cytryni)
(ukraine calling, 2006, eastblod) [ukraine, folkrock] CARTHY, Eliza: Maid on the shore
(rough music, 2005, topic) [england, folk] HOTEL PALINDRONE: le brandevin (New
European Roots Music, 2005, demo) [austria, folk] BAGAD KEMPER / Denez Prigent: E
trouz ar ger (Collection, 2006, Keltia) [brittany, bagad] NYMAN, Michael: a satire against
mankind (the libertine, 2006, galileo) [england, minimalism] TSAHAN ZAM, Okna: edjin duun (a
journey to the steppe, demo, 2004, buda) [kalmykia, world] ANGEL BROTHERS: breakfast in
bollywood (forbidden fruit, 2004, EMI) [england, world] THE JUJU ORCHESTRA: a kind of latin
rhythm (v/a, latin garden 2, 2006, lola's world) [compilation] PANTEON ROCOCO: Reality Shock (v/a,
TFF Rudolstadt 2004, 2005, Heideck) [festival compilation] 588. Sendung - 16. 1. 2007 -----Portrait: Qntal----- QNTAL: Monsieur's departure (Silver
swan, 2006, drakkar/sony) [germany, medieval pop] ESTAMPIE: Stella Splendens (Ave Maris Stella,
1990/1991, Christophorus) [germany, medieval] DEINE LAKAIEN: Love will not die
(Deine Lakaien, 1986/91, classX) [germany, electro-pop] QNTAL: Floris e Blanchaflor (Vol. I,
1992, Gymnastic/EFA) [germany, medieval electro] QNTAL:
Frühling (Vol. II, 1995,
Gymnastic/EFA) QNTAL: Herbst
(Vol. II, 1995, Gymnastic/EFA)
[germany, medieval electro] QNTAL: Entre moi (O, Tristan (single), 2002,
Vielklang) [germany, medieval pop] QNTAL: Amor Volat (IV, 2005,
drakkar) [germany, medieval electro] HELIUM VOLA:
In lichter Farbe steht der Wald (Liod, 2004, chrom) [germany, medieval electro] QNTAL: The Whyle (Silver swan, 2006,
drakkar/sony) QNTAL: Amis Raynaut (Silver swan, 2006,
drakkar/sony) [germany, medieval pop] 587. Sendung -
12. 1. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat------- DICK O'BRASS: 39 minuit (Disk
O'Brass, 2006, indies) [czech rep., celtic] SPONTUS: les cirés dix temps (Spontus, 2000, an
naer) [brittany,
fest noz] HOTEL PALINDRONE: schwedisch (Elegance, 1998,
Extraplatte) [austria, bal folk] DRUZINA: ta vipimo (Tragare, 2006, indies) [czech rep., folkrock] URBAN TRAD: de l'air (Elem, 2004, universal) [belgium, folk-pop] KOCKO, Tomas & Orchestar:
Pohanska (poplor, 2006, indies) [czech rep. folkrock] SATIE, Erik / Jürgen Grötzinger:
Gnossienne (V/A, children's garden, 2006, Lola's world) [compilation] BELLE & SEBASTIAN: Waiting for
the moon to rise (fold your hands child..., 2000, Jeepster) [england, folk pop] NUX VOMICA: Labo bobo (Nissa-pernambuco, 2006,
mosaic) [france, dub-folk] BOUKAKES, LES: L'alawi (bledi, 2004, mosaic) [france, oriental rock] ABUELA COCA: el pentente (El Cuarto de la Abuela,
2005, übersee/Rocky beach club) [uruguay, mestizo rock] KINKY BEAT, La: motor psycho (One
more time, 2006, galileo) [spain, mestizo] GO LEM SYSTEM: Jeroglifico (Caceria, 2006,
galileo) [spain, mestizo rock] GENTLEMAN: Superior (v/a, Made in
Germany, 2004, funkhaus europa) [radio compilation] 586. Sendung - 9. 1. 2007 -----new folk cds from eastern
europe------ MITSOURA: lei toi (V/A: Balkanbeats
Volume 2, 2006, eastblok) KARAVAN & BOBAN MARKOVIC: sep ez
a villag (V/A: Balkanbeats Volume 2, 2006, eastblok) DELADAP: goldregen (n.o.h.a. remix) (V/A: Balkanbeats Volume 2,
2006, eastblok) BESH O DROM: ha megfogom az ördögöt
(V/A: Balkanbeats Volume 2, 2006, eastblok) [compilation] THE NIGHT SESSION: La mirage (v/a,
beyond istanbul, 2006, trikont) PERWER, Sivan: Heybiyenin (v/a,
beyond istanbul, 2006, trikont) ORIENT EXPRESSIONS: Ehmedo (v/a,
beyond istanbul, 2006, trikont) SICIMOGLU, Ayhan: Reggae Turca Tone
(v/a, beyond istanbul, 2006, trikont) [turkey, compilation] SHIN, the: Swanny Waltz (EgAri,
2006, Jaro) SHIN, the: Grass & Asphalt
(EgAri, 2006, Jaro) SHIN, the: Standard Lullaby (EgAri,
2006, Jaro) [georgia, folk-jazz] VASILIC, Nenad: Devojko mari hubava
(honey and blood, 2006, connecting cultures/galileo) VASILIC, Nenad: Signal Yok (honey
and blood, 2006, connecting cultures/galileo) [slovenia, folk-jazz] 585. Sendung -
5. 1. 2007 -----Zweite
Heimat, compilations------ TRINY: Imar avel (v/a, 05, 2006, indies) BRATRI EBENOVE: Sloni (v/a, 05, 2006, indies) KOMVRZEK, Jiri: Zivote (v/a, 05, 2006, indies) [czech republic, label compilation] LOENED FALL: Plachig St. Karadeg (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) DOM DUFF: Kig ha farz (V/A, musiques de bretagne
(au midem), 2006, self) FILEUSES DE NUIT: au bout du fil (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) STIVELL, Alan: Let the plinn (V/A, musiques de
bretagne (au midem), 2006, self) [brittany, compilation] SANCTO IANNE: E bolle d'a maiviza (v/a, catalogue,
2006, folk club ethnosuoni) LA CIAPA RUSA: viore/ad oriente (v/a, catalogue,
2006, folk club ethnosuoni) MONTI, Giangilberto: Tema di bonnot (v/a,
catalogue, 2006, folk club ethnosuoni) AES DANA. Lazza d'amuri (v/a, catalogue, 2006,
folk club ethnosuoni) [italy, label compilation] ARANAME: Cargah sirto (v/A, Creole NRW,
Compilation 2006 Part 1, 2006, alba) BANDA METAFISICA: Oli (v/A, Creole NRW,
Compilation 2006 Part 1, 2006, alba) EINSTÜRZENDE
HEUSCHOBER: ja ked'sa Janosko (v/A, Creole NRW, Compilation 2006 Part 1, 2006,
alba) KARA DENIZ: Two Steps (v/A, Creole
NRW, Compilation 2006 Part 1, 2006, alba) [competition
compilation] 584. Sendung -
2. 1. 2007 -----neue
Folk-CDs aus Deutschland----- MCKANZIE, K.C: Holy Branches (the
widow tries to hide, 2006, bluebird café) MCKANZIE, K.C: the restless wanderer
(the widow tries to hide, 2006, bluebird café) MCKANZIE, K.C: the wall (the widow
tries to hide, 2006, bluebird café) [germany, singer-songwr.] DEGAS/WEISER:
Der König von Thule (Heimat von fern so nah, 2006, piranha) DEGAS/WEISER:
Ich hab' die Nacht geträumet (Heimat von fern so nah, 2006, piranha) DEGAS/WEISER:
Es waren zwei Königskinder (Heimat von fern so nah, 2006, piranha) DEGAS/WEISER:
Der Mond ist aufgegangen (Heimat von fern so nah, 2006, piranha) [germany, folk] IMMIGRANT ORCHESTRA: Mütterliche
Liebe (home away from home, 2006, Jaro) IMMIGRANT ORCHESTRA: Mu Min Xin Ge
(home away from home, 2006, Jaro) IMMIGRANT ORCHESTRA: Bir Garib Yolcu
(home away from home, 2006, Jaro) IMMIGRANT ORCHESTRA: Warum kannst Du
mich nicht lieben (home away from home, 2006, Jaro) [germany, world] FIDDLER'S GREEN: When will we be
married (Drive me mad, 2006, deaf shepherd) FIDDLER'S GREEN: Another spring song
(Drive me mad, 2006, deaf shepherd) FIDDLER'S GREEN: Shamrock tunes
(Drive me mad, 2006, deaf shepherd) [germany, celtic pop]